
It's why I like Kotaku's existence—it's on the line between old troll-centric communities and newer, savvier communities. A good place for WAR AGAINST THE TROLLS

Actually I'll be honest, I don't think any of the ones I really know do. >.> I even suspect the OP respects people with stories like mine, I think she was just expressing outrage at "fake feminists." ( hilarious, given the dumb "fake geek girls" debate geekdom is having..."

Thank you! I already made my cloning joke in another comment so I'm just going to say here I wish it didn't take such mean-spirited stuff existing in the world to get me to fight so hard for this.

I shall take this as an endorsement to pursue may cloning research. >.> (Okay, literally, I think this is a sign that people with backgrounds like mine should be encouraged to look at Feminist views through the lens of being bullied. I'm pretty sure more geeks would open up if they could empathize through those

Thank you! I confess my objective wasn't to react to offense, but to just share a story I felt ran counter to what the OP was talking about...

Whenever I tell this story or ones like it I sometimes end it with FUS RO DAH MOTHERFUCKERS. (Usually when engaging with non-feminists questioning "geek girl nonsense." The problem is, that reference is going to be really dated as early as next year...

Funny how "real feminist" seems to overlap with "Decent human being..." >.>

Thanks for the encouragement! I admit I mostly keep quiet around Jezebel so that I'm forced to listen instead of speak, but I try to keep aware of this in as many places as I can.

Gah, that is disheartening that your daughter might be treated that way. =( If it helps at all, I have a friend (18-20ish) who's been using Tumblr for a while as a safe space to share her manga-based cosplay photos. Tumblr's got some weird stuff, sure, but I've also observed it might be a slightly safer space then

Totally agree, and thanks for the feedback. It's why I try to usually go through feminist/racial discussions trying to learn other people's stories and translating my passion for them when I'm engaging with people outside the feminist debates. What happened to me sucks, but what happened to Margaret Robinson as I

Hi, I'm a male feminist. I decided to take up the title because after reading this essay on Kotaku:

This and apply it to every work of art ever.

So does gamifying just really mean "Looking at things from the perspective of a game designer?" I.E, look at the experience, study the human reactions, and find ways to shape the experience based on that to reach a desired in that reaction?

I really feel like 90% of this stuff is actively going on in the game world...The Verge and PAR expressly set out to do something similar to Cahiers du Cinema, lots of developers enter game design wanting to say something, and we've been making games for Adults for like, years now.

Just a reminder, Bad Robot and Valve have collaborated before—Back when Portal 2 came out, there was a playable advertisement for Super 8 built in the Source Engine—it was set on board the train crash, and was basically a soldier just walking around, looking at some clues as to what the monster might be in the film,

And now I can't sleep. Forever.

Apologies for any unintended mocking of your english skills in a seperate post. But that said, that's the point of review outlets. They aren't all supposed to agree, they're supposed to give their opinions, and you find the one you trust. If you disagree with Kotaku, then you might want to try Destructoid, or IGN.

"I think sometime you just review games by your point of view only"

Weird how it looked more real once they fell out of character. O_O

It's not fighting back that I have a problem with (Though I'm not a big fan of it), it's blaming the people for "not fighting back." Some people face vicious, dangerous things, and I can't blame them for not fighting back for fear of getting it worse. (Literally in worse places in the world, one side has a gun, the