
They don't technically need Coulton's permission to use the song "baby got back," and they don't need to pay him if they use his vocals because it's under Creative Commons and it's a non-commercial cover. but still, big corporation with money to spare just blatantly ripping off a smaller artist without so much as

You'd think that would work in Halo 4. But it really doesn't.

"He must descend into the Scar, a massive chasm tied down by twelve chains, connected to a floating island in its center,atop which sit thirteen connected towers."

I like the curves and vibrant colors a lot—not sure how I feel about the gun arm going away, but it's cool how every time I look at that arm I don't see it until I squint.

Played it on the iPad, only bug I had was at one point Kenny decided to play out two dialogue options at once, so I got to hear him do this weird double voice and sneak across the street twice. The wall of impaled Walkers nearby did not help.

Question from the audience—-why couldn't they just treat this like their normal romantic relationships? Just add characters to pre-existing planets with well-written storylines, yadda yadda yadda? This whole "put it on one planet you have to pay for" seems to asking for trouble.

Oh FFS, on the 1 month anniversary of the shooting? Really?

Moffat actually said he forgot that they brought her back to life until after that episode went to air, so it doesn't sound like they ever necessarily wanted her back.

That....sounds exactly like a Yes Men-style response...

Your argument is invalid because ROOOOOOCKEEEETTTT PUNCH

Welp, that was offensive on about five different levels.

I've thought about this sentiment a lot, and I have to thank you Matt, for giving us a forum to talk about this. And for opening up, 'cause I know that can't be easy.

Hi there, unlike some of the other folks in this thread, I wanted to say something on the positive side, 'cause I've been down a decently similar road, and I feel a decent amount of sympathy for what you just shared.

/popcorn. *munchmunchmunchmunch*

I'm pretty sure these guys had a problem with Indiana Jones too. You know. All those white dudes getting killed in a piece by a Jewish filmmaker.

Michael Bay trailer: Busy robot stuff, why the hell is the camera there, destruction without context, male gaze abound.


Because Robot punch to the face, that's why.

This basically sums up my views.

I love this story. I feel like you'll get a kick out of Scott Lynch's full reply. (I censored it a little so that insulting would not be part of this discussion):