
You use that word, "Bully." I do not think that word means what you think it means.


This literally looked like half my childhood, mixed with the other half of my childhood.

Citation needed please...

Hilariously complicated foreign politics aside, is no one else surprised they didn't call this thing "The Golem?"

Because it's why he's currently culturally relevant? He's been doing lots of interviews after that letter went viral.

I hate to say it but I kind of saw this coming in yesterday's interview...unlike the pre-release stuff for Looper or District 9, I didn't exactly a clear thought process at work behind explaining this film.

With all due respect, the last thing I'm thinking about as a photographer is what focal length she was at....

When I hit character design blocks like that I tend to get through them by just making something—anything that resembles what I want, then taking a step back and saying "that's right" or "No, that's wrong, it needs more of X." I think half the trick is being able to commit to something being completed, even if it's

Voice acting and Mo-cap acting are two separate acting skills. Think about what it's like to play Basketball versus playing soccer—both are "physical" skills that have similar root exercises, but they have very different results. Neither of the voice actors here I think do as much physical acting, so they wouldn't be

I laughed so hard you might think I just had my emotion chip installed.

Yes please can I have this yesterday?

Now playing

I defer to Freddie Mercury on these matters.

Pushing Daisies could be a fun 3rd person adventure game channeling LA Noire Mechanics while borrowing from Bastion's treatment of the narrator.

Sets aren't the expensive part, it's people. Watch the credits for a film sometime, and remember that almost everyone on that list has to get paid for months of work.

Outside of the shuttle viewport, Anne could see the first glimpses of the DNA-coiled superstructures bursting out of the ice around her. They weren't a surprise to her—she remembered pouring over the satellite imagery of the surface of this weird planetary object for months, and the first thing that had caused her

I don't know why but when Chris Evans completely blunders jumping through the trees I fall out of my chair laughing.

Though, ah, I do request that Link's color scheme somehow retain a little more of the traditional green.

You can interpret the Dark Knight trilogy as an ideological argument that Gotham is like a city state protected by a feudal lord who inherited his title and privileges by birth. Batman Begins established that the Waynes were already the benefactors of Gotham, and now Bruce Wayne has taken up the mantle as its judge

Considering how Dark Knight Rises was the pinnacle of the "Feudel Lord" interpretation of Batman, I wouldn't be surprised if that was intentional on the part of Nolan.