
To get my point accross, I do not think the solid state is this big breakthrough that everyone is hyping, Sure credit is due, it is progress, and it is more of a density packing than something trully revolutionary

Lithium polymer battery. Not a solid state cell. Perhaps you’re confused about a mechanical disk drive versus a solid state drive?

I actually really dig that Gucci interior.  I wouldn’t like the logo headliner, or explaining that it’s a Gucci edition, but the colour scheme is really nice.

I’m starting to think that I’m only here for the dopamine hit I get from hate-reading this stuff.

This whole take is ridiculous. If I wrote this, I’d be ashamed to put my name on it.

Found Florida Man.

Wayne I don’t think we’d get along

Before it became a buzzword in the great culture war against, ummm, something or other. Being “woke” just meant you exhibited basic decency towards humans who were a bit different than yourself. And I think all of us can agree that’s pretty fucked.

Uh no I don’t agree, is this a bit?

OK, I’ll run you on any sand track you want using any vehicle you want.  You get slicks and I’ll get paddle tires.  

There are things missing and/or broken, but I still adore it.


Sometimes memes are just too good:

I’m not sure that’s a solid comparison other than they’re both made by the same company.

I feel like this vehicle has been being released for over a decade now.

“In this country, you’re innocent until proven guilty” which is why I pulled a gun on an innocent man until he proved he wasn’t guilty. Flawless victory.

Yea you’d think they say Yes, “I am an American citizen!” with pride and conviction while getting the reach around by Uncle Sam, but I guess not.

White boys mad they are being treated the way they demand not white people be treated and are somehow mad. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣