Rolande Deschaine

In most cases, the idea of cultural appropriation need to be thrown out. ESPECIALLY in the arts. It’s a waste of mental energy to try to figure out which color of skin an idea belongs to. Especially after it has been passed through so many minds and people from so many different walks of life.

The only people who care

I thought it was really good, and the best thing Netflix has put out in a while (I liked it more than Stranger Things).

They are nuts. This show is fantastic.

I do wonder a bit, because on one level I’m sure what Kylo is telling Rey is what he probably wishes for himself, instead of being trapped under all these legacies.

I guess you missed the part in Return of the Jedi where Luke beat Vader.

Luke had a few months of training, total, at the most. Compared to every other Jedi or Sith in the still-canon, non-EU franchise, who is basically raised from early childhood to hone their skills, Luke is a complete novice ... and is still able to take on the “Chosen One” toe-to-toe, which is something that no other

Really, there’s only one way Trump making first contact can go down:

Bungie was my favorite game studio going all the way back to the Marathon days, I thought their escape from Microsoft and return to independence would be a new era for them (I personally thought Halo was pretty good, but not their best work). Long story short, they completely lost me with Destiny and I would pay money

Since we’re talking about things that suck and no one should have to watch...

Great little casting against type there — if John Leguizamo of all people is sober and serious, you know shit is real.

It’s the matter-factness that Viggo delivers the speech with that completely sells it. “He is creature of focus, commitment, and sheer will. Something you know very little about.”

Disagree. Chapter 2 wasn’t as good as JW but I really enjoyed how it went HAM on the ridiculousness. I knew it was really good when(spoiler alert) JW let the woman kill herself instead of him doing it. I was afraid he might forgive her, or team up with her, or that she might come close to beating him, or that he would

Most likely it’s the type of person who likes to feel important. I’d wager he did work at EA and possibly still does but not for EA directly. It’s probably a contract job as the two fields covered in the story was data entry and QA...many of those positions are just contract. This would also jive with why Jason

That awesome moment someone on a video game blog is a better investigative journalist this half the media in the nation. Anyway, I believe he is lying(it’s obvious) but I don’t say that to be mean to him. I wonder what was his reason for doing something like this? It seems very strange. I hope this gets an update.


I think what’s holding up resolution there is the fact that by and large Roller Derby names are fucking AWESOME.

and that 40 hours is based on unlocking in-game currency to purchase JUST those characters.. if you feel the need to purchase anything else.. then that estimate will lengthen.

FYI its about 40 hours of gameplay to unlock each character.

I’m console, so I have to wait on Moira, but I am certainly intrigued (the Bowie skin just adds to the desire to play her).