And hitters from both teams will be hitting drives over the bay this weekend.
This man is IRREPLACEABLE! How would the Vikings ever find an overweight, heavily-bearded, Norse-looking man who can ride a motorcycle in Minnesota?!!?
The police were able to apprehend the perp after realizing he was the only suspect in the police lineup without a bitter beer face
[Miami Herald Reporter]: And you’re saying he went off script and that caused a lot of the problems?
I see multiple human rights violations here. The biggest being, this is a portrait smartphone video.
As someone who grew up in Phoenix, I'll never get over how he never was charged with taking a shower with a high-schooler.
A simple, genuinely curious, “Do you ever think about having sex with other people?” should get the ball rolling.
You mean this guy?
look at the big brain on brad
At this point Gawker has become a parody of itself. Even the most ardent readers are rolling their eyes.
To: Caitlin
I really hope this goes better than my attempt at a serious, CTE-focused documentary, which was just me in the bushes filming Jim McMahon trying to start every car in a Costco parking lot.
“Those bastards in Bristol are ruining everything,” Palin continued. “I’ll be babysitting every weekend ‘til I’m fucking 75 years old at this rate.”
“Now...where was I on the ESPN thing....oh right, Curt Schilling...”
This has been brewing for a long time. Sarah has never quite figured out why ESPN hasn’t shown a Glen Rice highlight during the past decade.
ESPN Spouse: Who the fuck is Ashley Madison?
ESPN cheat: Ummm...he...plays for the Buffalo Sabers
ESPN Spouse: What’s a Buffalo Sabers?
ESPN cheat: They’re a hockey team that plays in the NHL
ESPN Spouse: Oh. Well then who gives a fuck?
ESPN cheat: Exactly!!
Knowing Winona as I do, it’s gotta be shoplifting.
This is just the first of many times this year where Northwestern football’s attempts to organize an effective campaign will be killed with a punt.