And hitters from both teams will be hitting drives over the bay this weekend.
This man is IRREPLACEABLE! How would the Vikings ever find an overweight, heavily-bearded, Norse-looking man who can ride a motorcycle in Minnesota?!!?
The police were able to apprehend the perp after realizing he was the only suspect in the police lineup without a bitter beer face
[Miami Herald Reporter]: And you’re saying he went off script and that caused a lot of the problems?
I see multiple human rights violations here. The biggest being, this is a portrait smartphone video.
As someone who grew up in Phoenix, I'll never get over how he never was charged with taking a shower with a high-schooler.
A simple, genuinely curious, “Do you ever think about having sex with other people?” should get the ball rolling.
look at the big brain on brad
At this point Gawker has become a parody of itself. Even the most ardent readers are rolling their eyes.
To: Caitlin
I really hope this goes better than my attempt at a serious, CTE-focused documentary, which was just me in the bushes filming Jim McMahon trying to start every car in a Costco parking lot.
“Those bastards in Bristol are ruining everything,” Palin continued. “I’ll be babysitting every weekend ‘til I’m fucking 75 years old at this rate.”
“Now...where was I on the ESPN thing....oh right, Curt Schilling...”
This has been brewing for a long time. Sarah has never quite figured out why ESPN hasn’t shown a Glen Rice highlight during the past decade.
ESPN Spouse: Who the fuck is Ashley Madison?
ESPN cheat: Ummm...he...plays for the Buffalo Sabers
ESPN Spouse: What’s a Buffalo Sabers?
ESPN cheat: They’re a hockey team that plays in the NHL
ESPN Spouse: Oh. Well then who gives a fuck?
ESPN cheat: Exactly!!
Knowing Winona as I do, it’s gotta be shoplifting.
This is just the first of many times this year where Northwestern football’s attempts to organize an effective campaign will be killed with a punt.