Yeah, notice how the "if they go away" part refers to college sports (which he refers to earlier as the "Olympic sports."). The "significant damage" is to the international efforts (i.e. the actual Olympics).
Yeah, notice how the "if they go away" part refers to college sports (which he refers to earlier as the "Olympic sports."). The "significant damage" is to the international efforts (i.e. the actual Olympics).
When he says "Olympic sports," he's talking about non-revenue sports like gymnastics and track, at the college level. He's not talking about the actual Olympics.
Oh, Barry. You think a tiny gold square will motivate players?
This is a pre-advertisement move. Once the ads are on the chest, and each team's logo or initials are added to the left or right breast, there will be gold stars (or some marking) for each title above the crest.
Again I say...
I remember interning at ESPN fresh out of college, and we used to get the raw feeds for the games that we were working. No commercials, usually just a wide-shot of the stadium. Sometimes (particularly during college football), you'd get to listen to the announcers bullshit back and forth about the game, or life in…
True story: I beat Tyson as a kid. I was playing at the neighbor's house with their two kids and we were doing the typical 10-year old thing - playing video games all night until our eyes bleed. It was about midnight (Saturday) before I worked my way up to Tyson. I had faced him before and, like most people, got curb…
I wouldn't be shocked if Simmons is the one who is actually off the show next year. He alluded to being close to not returning after last season - citing, unsurprisingly, a lack of airtime along with other organizational frustrations he had. Frankly, it's probably the best for him. He's a better writer than he is a TV…
That's actually not true. California is one of the few all-party states when it comes to recording conversations. But since nobody needs the tapes to work the sale of the team, they're just window dressing, anyway.
Silver said that the owners could take Sterling's previous history into account if they vote, so technically, the tapes aren't needed for an ouster. Shelly Sterling, acting as executor of the trust, doesn't need to reference the tapes, either, merely to sell the franchise.
V. Stiviano must've known she'd be a defendant when she chose her name.
/Goes to Wikipedia.