A rapidly sinking island mortgaged to 400 percent of its market value?
A rapidly sinking island mortgaged to 400 percent of its market value?
A court of two Jews, six Roman Catholics and an Episcopalian who was raised as a Catholic.
How in fuck-all is that representative of the American population?
Actually, even Holder doesn’t go that far. Scalia specifically allowed some regulations... without specifying what they might be.
Hell, what’s she doing voting?
A way to avoid another debate debacle?
They are awful. 103 fever for more than a week, lost 18 pounds. Weeks later, could barely make it up a flight of stairs without stopping.
Six months later, I have suspicious cardiac activity and need an inhaler once or twice a week to clear crap from my lungs.
How did you miss Hershey’s Triple Chocolate Brownie Mix?
Two HP laptops and a printer suffered early deaths.
Two HP laptops and a printer suffered early deaths.
We were finally lucky enough to have Grande connect to our neighborhood about 18 months ago - with a 1 Gig pipe to the house.
For decades now, I’ve been using neck wraps filled with an expanding medium (think disposable diaper filling), soaked in cold water.
Not what it looks like on my pay stub... but I’ll have to dig into my taxes to confirm.
It will be considered taxable income for 2020.
It’s exactly a con.
Kill the cap, and Social Security funding is good for decades to come - while we figure out a reform for my kids.
Tracy dies in the book - it’s an important part of Fleming’s development of Bond.
Theater of Blood, right?
So on Sept. 2, AG Bill Barr looked Wolf Blitzer right in the eye and said they had evidence of organized Antifa traveling in planes to riots - even had their names - and had receipts of them buying supplies for rioting.
Because even if it is not immediately lethal, it often has long-lasting serious effects.
Best explanation I’ve seen so far, Beth. Even better than Fauci’s news clip... at least what I saw.
Regardless of alleged criminal activities, there are only two possible explanations for the shooting: It was with gross incompetence in police training and technique or a major case of “Just shoot him - no one gives a fuck if we drill a Black scumbag with a record” racism.