That’s not at all what I’m saying.
That’s not at all what I’m saying.
Now, YOU seem to understand the root problem: The entire health care system is based on fraudulent costs designed to be discounted down for those with insurance coverage and act as write-offs for treatment of indigents.
If you think the VA problems only came about because of Trump, you’re deluded. The VA health system has been a clusterfuck forever.
My employer offers a fairly wide selection of available helath insurance plans, with different costs/benefits. The one we use certainly is the best employer insurance I’ve had over the last three decades.
The correct response woudl have been: I’ve copyedited more best sellers than you’ve writen.”
Try and get word out where you land, HamNo.
I’ve watch Jack often enough to be pretty sure hitting Acuna was an accident. He does occasionally lose a pitch.
Ah, shut the fuck up, Moz.
So... Joe Kelly has now cost the Dodgers the World Series title twice?
Do you have ANY evidence to support that claim?
What barbarian dilutes something like The Glenlivet by making a cocktail???
I think Carlos sometimes channels Isringhouse...who also had a tendency too make closing interesting at times.
You echo a lot of my thoughts, especially on health care.
Any chance Hungary could get an Interpol warrant and have Gorka arrested elsewhere?
Having covered no small number of court trial in years past, and given the lack of evidence of premeditation, I’ve expected all along that there wouldn’t be a verdict of murder as defined under Texas law.
Back in the mid-90s, I was at Little Rock AFB covering the annual Airlift Rodeo when Gen. Ron Fogleman, then commander of Air Mobility Command, brought in the first C-17 accepted by the Air Force.
I assume you did NOT see the less than stellar results of using the military against domestic uprisings in the 1960s?