Another article, by Jason Schrier:
Another article, by Jason Schrier:
you folks should really scroll up and read my story.
he literally says there was no bug. only one game—civ v—includes a reference to the nuke-heavy behavior, and that was in 2010, two years before the bug theory was even a thing.
Luke trying to fill the Gita shaped hole in my heart with this Sims article.
Aloy’s my favorite new video character since Commander Shepard. I love so much that her personality is what drives the open world nature of the game rather than just plopping her in the game and allowing suspension of disbelief to fuel the sidequests: she’s not just on a mission, she’s curious and wants to see as much…
Aloy was the first video game character that I actually felt proud of by the end of the game. Not because I personally felt accomplished for finishing the game through her (which I did, anyway), but because I really felt invested in her growth as a character. It was clearly a team effort with Guerrilla, but I truly be…
Ash has always been impressive in her work starting from HAWP.
Its more so they ran out of time. GoT needed 10-12 10ep seasons but there was no way that was going to happen from a budget or actor standpoint. The story was always headed in the way it finished. They just didn’t have the time to take it there in a slow burn fashion.
Oh please, Game of Thrones was so ‘bad’ that Jezebel ran a detailed report of each new episode to discuss how ‘bad’ it was. And these guys were so terrible that everyone thought Game of Thrones sucked right from the beginning. Which is why they made like 8 seasons of it. Which everyone hated.
Blackmailing in middle school for nudes is ground-level sociopath, like in the bone sociopath. He’s only going to get worse.
Jilly Bean is NOT my lover.
This pic never gets old:
And there are protesters in Utah facing LIFE sentences for throwing paint on public property. Fuck this country.
Remember when stringing a sentence together was a low bar for the Presidency? Yeah, me too. I miss the Obamas so much.
God I miss the Obamas
Id argue it’s actually Sony’s best (and best-looking) exclusive ever. Really crazy (in an encouraging, exciting way) that this is the one they bring to PC.
Unrelated question from a Gen Xer.
Her name is Cat13, and they went with Catty and not Catie... seriously?