
What I want to know is: why does the squid, and so far ONLY the squid, have three different jokes while every other fish has only one?

Came here to say something similar. This version is just another noisy action scene, and by the time we see Nat get shot twice there’s a kind of “well, she’s going to die anyway, may as well dive off the cliff” feel to it. The actual version genuinely keeps you guessing until the last moment which one of them it’s

Totally agree with you. She sacrificed herself so one of her chosen family members didn’t have to. The version in the movie works great. The only bummer for me is that her death isn’t included in the big funeral scene along with Tony at the end. It should’ve been a send-off for both characters.

Well put, that’s it exactly. In this version Nat is another victim of Thanos’s attack, yes, she chose her end but it was mostly just the chance of the situation that led directly to it. In the original version it is a choice and the only fight is over who gets to make it.

Right there with you.

When watching the movie the first time, I interpreted the scene as very progressive/pro-Natasha, because she was the one who got to make the sacrifice. They were both heroes, and in effect, they were basically having a “who is the bigger hero” fight. In the end, Natasha won, because she actually is the bigger hero.

I dunno, I kinda liked the scene in the original where she and Hawkeye fight to see who gets to sacrifice themselves. Neither wanted the other to go but more than that neither wanted to not save the other from having to die. This is a fine action scene and I do like the idea that Thanos is more actively pursuing them,

Yaaaaaah! That is horrifying! Good (and unexpected) shade by Weird Al, though.

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Was that the Crack Spider striking again...? lol

I personally love it. Somehow I think they balanced the gameplay perfectly. Everyone is going to want to put the most time into this game at the beginning, so the fact that they keep giving things to do has made it exciting to play for a number of hours every day. Especially since most of the terraforming stuff hasn’t

Pretty sure this is just the beginning. When decent internet and the necessary hardware become cheaper than running a school facility, we’ll likely see the transition occur permanently. Most kids have a phone, a tablet, a game console and a TV and nearly all of those items have remote conferencing options. I’d argue

My older brother created a bumper sticker back when he was in college (when Ronald Reagan got selected as president) that read “THIMK!” Hahaha! 56% of Americans bought them. Hahaha! By the way, this is a refrigerator magnet that was given to me many years ago. That actually happens to be Ronald Reagan from some old

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In terms of weird alternate reality pop stars, I prefer Poppy.

We should all be bringing antibacterial wipes to give our space a wipe down in general, not just while there’s a virus spreading the world.

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This just reminds me of how terrible the red room fight was (skip to 4:14 if it doesn’t take you there):

“That said, if The Walking Dead has taught us anything, it’s that humans facing an undead apocalypse can be even more dangerous than zombies.”

There’s a lot I miss that io9 used to do.

These videos rely on the same principle as sitcoms like The Big Bang Theory: if you can mimic the cadences of someone saying something witty, you can sometimes trick people into thinking you actually told a joke.

Based on the still alone I knew this was going to be the one film Joan didn’t shit all over.