So you’re saying the boys view you as more fragile, less skilled, and unable to take care of yourself?
So you’re saying the boys view you as more fragile, less skilled, and unable to take care of yourself?
Hereis my advice for any woman who has this happen on camera: shriek and slap his face or kick him in the nuts. You will have your overwhelmingly female audience cheering for you. I guarantee it. And if anything is made of it, tell them that your dad taught you how to defend yourself.
I was born in 1945, and a tweet stating “”Boomer(s)...grew up with a sense that females are playful and were raised watching females being okay with being objectified for their looks...” is a perfect encapsulation of what it was to be a female in those days. We weren’t so much okay with being objectified, there just…
Funniest exchange of the entire episode:
For me, it’s the original Katamari Damacy. Such a happy game.
Jet Set Radio was one of the first soundtracks I bought, and the first one I would listen to without having played the game.
he denied the accusations and said that he was simply being “gallant,”
How did you manage to miss Monster Hunter: World?! Those cats prepare a whole feast for you on a daily basis! Ungrateful.
and people wonder why we introverts hate everyone. you all keep inventing these stupid rules and making interacting with anyone a complete chore. if somebody thinks im rude or dismissive by typing “ok” to their text and gets offended, they deserve it and they did it to themselves. as far as im concerned they are doing…
I’m not new to this Pokémon shit. When I was a knuckleheaded young master, high off Black Radberry Now & Laters and…
Man, people really want to shit on this game. I, for one, am a 34 year old man who can’t wait to play this and go on a new adventure with new pokemon to catch and doesn’t give a single shit whether I can use the same team I’ve been using since 1998.
did you miss that time that she wore the jacket with the phrase on it “I Really don’t care, do you?” when she was headed off to the children’s separation facility? yeah - she is as overtly callous as he is.
Y’know, I was having a very good day, until I read this.
Solid post. I think you probably could have cut a sentence or so out. (Probably choose between “Beating a dead horse by the end...” and “A good chunk of the beginning...”) You also don’t need the ‘imo’. The reader knows it’s your opinion.
It speaks to a cycle of abuse. The reason these coaches probably looked the other way because they were victimized by that growing up. Coming down on these kids for inflicting the same victimization that the coaches experienced would cause them to process their trauma.
This kind of shit happens ALL over, there’s been a massive generational failure in terms of protecting athletes from coaches, medical staff, each other... Penn State wasn’t an anomaly, it was the norm. Nasser wasn’t an anomaly, he was the norm. This incident isn’t an anomaly, it’s the norm.