
This is an odd response. The original comment was vaguely interesting and the commenter even admitted his comment was neither here nor there. You seem like you’ve had a really bad day?

So you’re saying the boys view you as more fragile, less skilled, and unable to take care of yourself?

Thanks for your ignorant input, perhaps if you took the time to read you’d not be downplaying what is happening here with more just “need to rake the forest” crap. We do control burns for fire management but when the fire season started as soon as winter ended there wasn’t any prep time, we’re not fucking idiots!

I was saving up my money to buy a new phone but after reading these medical cases, I think I am going to denote the money to science.

Ugh, lol. Everyone uses advantages they are given. It’s not as big of a deal as you seem to think it is.

I wish some one would adapt The Diamond Age but that’s probably very unlikely. Especially with that ending.

I just had a much worse time watching the second season. The style that i found so appealing at first felt tacky and cheap in season two. The pacing that felt almost poetic in season one was boring in season two.

It’s not, Season 2 is much worse. Seems like Fuller was the glue that barely kept this together to begin with. 

Looking at other comments, and reviews in general, you seem to be in the extreme minority with that view.

The difference is that fandom has a much bigger influence now thanks to the Internet, which was still largely a cultural hinterland in the ‘80s and ‘90s. I remember an Entertainment Weekly article from 1994 that mentioned, briefly, that some fans on AOL were upset because the Voyager captain was going to be a woman.

Now playing

“The price of freedom is high, it always has been. And it’s a price I’m willing to pay. And if I’m the only one, then so be it.”

There’s only one thing I have to say to Donald in response:

Hereis my advice for any woman who has this happen on camera: shriek and slap his face or kick him in the nuts. You will have your overwhelmingly female audience cheering for you. I guarantee it. And if anything is made of it, tell them that your dad taught you how to defend yourself.

I was born in 1945, and a tweet stating “”Boomer(s)...grew up with a sense that females are playful and were raised watching females being okay with being objectified for their looks...” is a perfect encapsulation of what it was to be a female in those days. We weren’t so much okay with being objectified, there just

Funniest exchange of the entire episode:

he denied the accusations and said that he was simply being “gallant,”