
I’m gonna jump in here to squee ferociously too! <awkward dance>

Alright, something I’ve done! Radiant Dawn was great. I didn’t like how different it was at first, but it won me over by the end, and that chunk of connected FEs were my favorite overall. I think of them as my main FE canon even though they weren’t my first.

It’s sexual violence in response to sexual violence. It’s basically eye for an eye in the nethers. At the very least, it shouldn’t carry the shame it does.

help get the message to men that they are emotional


Every time he says, “You’re a good boah,” I play the part of the horse and say, “You too are an above average boah.” I end up saying it a lot. If he says, “How you doin’, boah?” I say, “I’m doin’ okay, boah.” :P

Haha, we call it Grand Theft Horse in my house.

Exactly! I keep feeling weird about my reaction to this, because for all other reasons I should be on board, but I’ve had to say “no fucking way” to my perplexed spouse. Mixing that amount of biological cgi with reality makes me so uncomfortable, it’s hard to explain. It doesn’t bother me with Gollum, but maybe that’s

Thank you for all your coverage of The Sims games, Gita!

This, this, this! It’s a human problem that is strongly in all of us. And it’s largely out of anyone’s control and largely inescapable. I believe that even the most aware of this instinct can be pulled into it and that mostly the only way to avoid herd mentality is to avoid herd.

Aw, this is my favorite one!

They did say that and that’s good enough for a fictional universe, but that’s not at all how it works here unfortunately. You could literally have bagpipes or a Stones cover band right outside your window and it wouldn’t factor into your rent. The cover band was just last week and gave almost as much as it took.

Yay! Just an hour ago, my husband was responding to how sick garlic makes me and how nocturnal I am, by calling me a Bill Paxton vampire. He knows exactly what I want to hear.

OMG, Stryper. Even they were too secular in my house. Going with Pantera instead nearly killed my mother.

Can we not star articles anymore? This one deserves to be acknowledged by something different from clicks.

High five, fellow happy nihilist.

OMG, I would bawl. I would BAWL!

I love this post. This is how I see this issue and you say it so well. Thank you.

Weird. It’s not like anything about her looks particularly unreal. Except maybe her gigantic bush.

Yeah, I don’t doubt that the initial spark were some very real crimes and abuses, but the panic and propaganda that spread did a lot of damage. My very Christian mother became panicked about it for decades after. Our toys were destroyed left and right, and my coming of age included insistence from her that I had