
Is "You know nothing, Jon Snow," also a quote in the books or was it made for the show?

I love that thought. I want your movie. Human Pigeons!

That's kind of Fallout.

Sign me up too! Also, hi corpore, I thought that was you, but now I'm certain.

BWAAANH for when you're on the go.

It was definitely someone trying to do GLaDOS.

"Holophrasm" is such a great word.

Same. It surprises me from Matt Damon, but maybe it's an executive call. Still, there are so many shows and movies that even my debilitated ass, which has the ability to watch during all awake hours, can't fit all of it in. These days, "damsel" is a big, easy check off the list of "don't got time for that."

That's because it's at the edge of the picture. Anything selected at the edge will be pushed inward to compensate for the box size.

True, true.

Oh, so this is what people were talking about when they said he was just child-like and that’s the only reason he had sleepovers with kids? I guess I never looked into it too much. But maybe I believe that now. I don’t know what I believe!

Yes, I am a shark lover! I think they're super cute. I just now found the "shark/cat/roomba" video on their channel. I swear I looked before, not well enough apparently. Thank you for introducing me to them. I love it! And I like that they do spins of other famous vids too.

Is that where this comes from? Ah, so cute!

I've been in semi-isolation for a decade now and I have amazing audio hallucinations. I hear all kinds of different genres of music, symphonies playing slow melodies, playing horror music (like when the killer is stabbing), opera (which I hate), metal (which I love), etc. They are very detailed, which I think might be


Yeah, Cole, and the woman is an elf mage Inquisitor with (I'm pretty sure) a Stormbreak staff. They did an amazing job!

They're actually both in there.

Awesome! Sophie Turner does flirt with Natalie Dormer. I read an article where Natalie was shocked that Sophie likes reality tv, because she herself doesn't, and Sophie says to her, "Opposites attract, Natalie."

Oh, I see. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

Wait, people out of the grays can get other people out of the grays? I originally thought that was the case, but I was asking someone, who was out of the grays, about it and they said they couldn't do it.