
Well I loved what you wrote. Thank you for writing it.

Yeah, I was thinking, "isn't too much toothpaste dangerous?" It is! This is what you can expect at the hospital:

Thanks. That makes a lot of sense about the blood moving to the area for protection. I hadn't really thought about it. Thanks, blood, good job!

I hear ya. That happens to me a lot, when reading certain medical stuff. Once when my doctor was describing, in depth, about removing my uterus, within the coming month, I literally fainted. Felt light-headed and nauseous, then couldn't keep myself upright in the chair, then just completely passed out onto the floor.

Wow, so in contrast to this Kotaku article, about the trains in Japan having to be so exact that they arrive on time within a centisecond.

At 17 seconds in, when the cat starts running fast, it looks like someone is stabilizing the thing. Maybe doesn't work as well as advertised if they need someone to support it if it goes too fast?

They should've hired a Malkavian. No one would have believed them, or understood what they were saying.

Nice! I thought it looked like The Sims 2 robot:

I think the reason he never talked about it again is because he was like, "Oh, woops, I read that wrong. Hopefully no one brings it up again." Just kidding.

Eh, I saw it as a heavier, more female centric version of Scott Pilgrim. Both were fantastical views of a struggle for the main character. For the teenage boy it was dealing with a crush who had a threatening history of experience, for the woman it was dealing with abuse and sexism. Both dealt with those struggles

Man says to woman, "Sorry, you're not my type." Woman replies, "Honey, I'm everybody's type."

Man says to woman, "Sorry, you're not my type," and she says, "Honey, ..." You know the rest of what she says, don't you?

Unfortunate moment #2: when the son touches Mom's boob (1:21) and says, "Check out MY turkey dinner, Mom."

I tend to look at killing in video games or enjoying watching killing in a film as very different from the topic at hand. For the simple reason that we all have fantasies, no matter how fleeting, to kill someone who pissed us off or see them get killed. It's something we also do when we are children. It is "play"

Ohhhh, yeah I can see why that would turn you off her. Ick. And agreed, Spike > Angel.

I like surreal photorealistic. But this photograph's subject beats the hell out of those up top.

My spouse and I watched Buffy for the first time last year, on Netflix, and we enjoyed the fact that it was filmed at a different resolution and you could see the crew and equipment on the sides of the shots quite often. You could also see actors waiting to enter the shot, before the actor in the shot notices them. It

Hm, I've never heard this. I haven't seen her in the spotlight much. Do you have examples? Not that I don't believe you, I'm just curious.

All those men and their disgusting fantastic bodies.

Ooooooh, so pretty.