
I always say this too. Often period shows or movies just take the stuff, from the time period, that looks less awful to their modern eyes. Especially the last century. And that has the effect of not looking right, because there was too much "more awful" around at the actual time.

Maybe someone knows the answer to this? I vaguely remember an older Harvest Moon game making all the pirated copies have cows that couldn't be taken care of and they would just die. Am I remembering that right? I tried searching, but couldn't find it.

I just can't get past the "Gotham Babies"ness of it. But I'm sure there will be more talk after it airs and I can get a better idea of how annoying/not annoying the kids are.

What if they commit suicide somewhere else, but lived in the house. Would that have to be disclosed. Just curious.

Aw, I loved Hancock. I think it's great as is.

Ah, is she winning an award in that last gif? She deserves all the awards.

Well, this movie is made by the guy who made Sliither. So not a good track record, unfortunately.

This deserves its own thread, not buried in someone else's. Just want it seen, is all.

Aw, what a cutie and great little dumbo ears. I was unhappy with that statement too. I'd share pics of mine, but I'm having trouble getting them on my new laptop. To me, they are the cutest, most lovable creatures in existence.

Just look around you.

I would just like to remind people that cars are invaluable to the handicapped. So please remember us when you're planning to do away with cars.


What? I did nothing of the sort. I think you meant JWScott did. Okay, they added an "only," but I wasn't totally sure you were referencing Dollhouse at all. If you'd said, "Did I fall asleep?" I would have been more sure and replied to you. Theirs made it clearer to me they were trying to reference. But anyway, now

Even more...

Nice Dollhouse reference!

Ohgod, I love her in this. My favorite Catwoman.

Probably when he made Don Jon. He was pretty buff in that.

I love the way he says, "hilarious."

That's my baby right there. Green screen forever! Well, not really for that long. Green screen for a little while! Woo!

Homosexual agenda? WTF, dude?