
I just found out that guy in your first gif is the twin brother of Jinksy from Warehouse 13. I was like, "whaaaat?"

Oh, I miss Madeline Kahn.

Wow, these are so great. Thank you so much for sharing them.

Oh man, I wish. Here, take my envy.

No one demanded no more nudity.

It's a stupid rumor. One google search and it's clear.

Yeah, we're really in Gucci shoes and Chanel handbags around here.

Right? The whole, "You don't know shit about ass. You're a toilet person," was funnier to me than any of their comics.

You should have said your friend's sister lost her teeth and found an amazing way to make new shark teeth at the link. That would have hooked more people here.

Yeah, that was the only thing that kept me playing S3. Otherwise I would have just stuck with 2. And 4 was supposed to bring me back in, but it's hard for me to imagine it will without Create a Style. <sniff>

This was my first thought too. They seriously don't look alike. Sigh.

While you're probably right, you're responding to an unrelated person, instead of the author. I expect better kinja than this.

I wanna channing all over his tatum. (not really)

Burninating the peasants. Burninating all the people. In the thatched roof COTTAGES!!!

I'm pretty sure you're right that it's a rumor. The people that are uncomfortable seeing breasts seem to like this rumor.

Yeah, same here. I remember feeding these to certain fish when I worked at a pet store. I had no idea they could bite. I can't remember, but they must have been freeze dried, like you say. Although I feel like I remember holding clumps of non-freeze dried ones, but I'm probably remembering wrong. Either way, <shudder>.

Seriously. That's what I saw too. It even says in yellow writing, "copulation attempt." How? What? People?

Middle Cat for President!

Red + Blue = face!

Does anyone know why Dragonstone was shown in this just aired Game of Thrones (S4E1) opening credits?