RocketSled - see, there were sleds, with rockets, and they were fast...and now I'm old

“Alice, we’re worried that-”

The ending of Matrix Reloaded. Neo uses Matrix-like abilities in the real world and then passes out; Agent Smith has successfully downloaded himself into the man in the very same sick bay as Neo! *roll end credits*

Literally anything other than “because God”

We all wake up from a fever dream and Wash is not dead.

I hate to be pedantic this early in the morning, but #corrections:

How is ~10x more expensive “not much more expensive”?

The Macbook is not fundamentally a netbook. It just isn’t. You are focusing way too much on specs. The 2011 i5 the (lowest end) Macbook performs like wasn’t a netbook then, and still wouldn’t be a netbook today.

because the expensive macbook i bought in 2008 is still running perfectly and is my go-to computer... quality over quantity

Stop. Buying. HP. Laptops. Why do people keep doing this to themselves? ESPECIALLY the cheap ones! I can’t tell you how many of them i’ve seen break after barely a year, or even less. Sure they’re better than they used to be, but anything is better than the failure rate they used to have. This is a company that

that’s funny how this this logic somehow goes out the window when people talk about their damn phone screens.

Let me create a html file with an iframe in it. Yay! I created an app.

I'm not sure what's worse: idiots babbling about the Apple watch at Starbucks or people who hate Apple constantly complaining about Apple anytime someone mentions Apple.

It is Groot.

SG-1 - Unending - final episode. Lived out there entire life in a time bubble. Hope that counts.

No matter the ups and downs of their career, I'll never not love the Wachowskis. It's impossible to resist their joy in making films.

Not that I know, but I'd guess it could be simple friction. Blendtec states that their blenders can reach up to 28,000 RPM. Back of the napkin, a two inch diameter blade with an angular velocity of 28,000 RPM has a linear velocity of... really fucking fast, and when it hits the metal ball it gets hot.

A warning is for the weak! You have to face the hydra, or you will forever live in fear of her poison.

set in 1997? it looks like it should be '87. titanic, contact and MiB 1 came out in 97.

This... is nothing new:

In the movie Dragonslayer, Mr. Perjorative has assaulted the nearby kingdom of Urland until they agree to offer it a young virgin girl every six months as a sacrifice, selected by a lottery, which Vermithrax and his brood then snack on.