RocketSled - see, there were sleds, with rockets, and they were fast...and now I'm old

Sorry but I will say that growing up in a multi-car household (8-10 cars at any given time for both parents and my two siblings) it is an extremely useful little dab of paint. I also drive friend's cars often since to some of them driving is a chore and they would prefer a chauffeur, and I have no problems enjoying

"Less than 1000 miles on the conversion" translates to "shit, this didn't turn out as good as we expected". I suppose it's a nice enough runner, even with the conversion, so yeah - a grudging NP.

Cannot be stolen/replaced with a toilet seat.

Maybe it's because I grew up watching Dukes of Hazzard, but midway thru the jump I saw the car freeze and heard the voice of Waylon Jennings making some comic aside..

And today I got an email back:

Here's a kid who looks like a total hippie, who has never had a drop of alcohol nor a puff of weed. He makes a shitty living and lives in his parents house while he goes to enginering school. And yet he was able to save up $13,000 to put into go-fast shit for his car. All the mechanical bits on the car are totally