RocketSled - see, there were sleds, with rockets, and they were fast...and now I'm old

And Cut and Paste was why I didn't originally by a WM7 phone!

Just let it go...this is not one of them thar 'thinkin' Avatar


Didn't that Volcano that just went off expel more CO2 then all of mankind over the last 20 years?

Really? Shit? Or are you trotting out the standard retort in ANY Corvette thread. My _Saturn_ had a shitty interior. What the vette's got? I wouldn't call it that.

Why? Because now it's not such a big deal? WTF, it's a cool picture. Stitching <> Photoshopping

RX-7. Just maybe a big bigger on the inside to fit my frame.

If OBL's password is the name of his pet dog Scruffy, the NSA will own him and his data. The weakest link is made of wetware.

We got a tour by the Son-in-law. When you live around a collection like that, you get a great attitude. Someone in our group said "Since most of these cars sit, don't they leak after awhile?" His response? "So what?"

Right after that he was BLIND!

I'm hoping the Mother of all 'Your Mom' jokes comes out of this article.


Heartclicky for you

I have a 66 Caddy's like this...but with less visibility.

And those that can't grok gimp will just buy Pixelmator for $30.

Dun run outta talent before he run outta turn.

Ass Bugers?

Why...does it seem 'less real' to you?

Based on my experiences with the Nook Color and HC, that sounds like a wise idea. Cool? Definitely! Curated, happy, seam-free experience? Not hardly.