
Yay, more DRM to make sure we lose video games to time.

Say what you want about piracy, it’s great at preserving video games for the future.

Define “Assault Weapons”? Big, scary, BLACK guns? Take your average “assault” weapon and put wood furniture on it, and it’s a hunting rifle. AGAIN, the problem is NOT the guns, but the PEOPLE who use them!

Don’t forget to grab the Chipotlaway while you are out.

This title brought to you from the land of “Look at us, we’re so PC we broke through the ceiling and came out on the other side and now have to insult other groups!”

I’ll never understand how this us vs them attitude supports the philosophy of feminism in any way.

Damn you. I just stopped by to have a quick look and got sucked into 13 open tabs.

That’s really kind of unfortunate as the only thing that would bring me back to GTA V is single player content. Then again, I don’t appear to be their target market any more.

I’m not only the dean of The Jalopnik School For Kids That Can’t Read or Math Good And Want To Do Investigative Automotive Journalist Things Good Too, I’m also an alumnus.

Wtf Honda. You’re not even good at being Honda anymore.

Morgan: Skipping Every Other Century in Technology™

What the hell else are they supposed to flood their fields with.

Don’t be so hard on them. They really do try, I think.

This crash had literally (and I mean that in the old fashioned way, not the new fangled “sometimes means figuratively” way) nothing to do with internet outrage and 100% was caused by overplanting on the heels of overly high prices.

I’m so tired of people being offended by other people’s opinions.

How is this any different than someone else writing a column for a newspaper expressing their opinion on the matter? I am glad he speaks his mind instead of following the herd like a sheep which exactly what many people are doing nowadays. Go ahead and call me a bigot, I know you will because that’s what this


Flame away, but transgenderism is the only mental illness with surgical body mutilation as the “cure.”