we’re not gawker though. I knowKotaku is a “part” of the Gawker family, but good God, please don’t lump us in with those people.
we’re not gawker though. I knowKotaku is a “part” of the Gawker family, but good God, please don’t lump us in with those people.
So. Did you ask if he liked fish sticks?
I don't like your friend. Parting out perfectly good cars is sacrilege. Doing so purely for profit is more so.
The Witcher 3 got 1,000,000 pre-orders with no BS incentives. All it did was provide a good product and treated its fans like real people rather then wallets with legs. I wish more publishers would learn from them.
Because that would fuck with the whole ‘we’re viewing a set past’ premise. This isn’t Schrodinger’s Genetic Memory, where your ancestor flickered in between genders like an Eddie Izzard routine on fast-forward.
It’s not rednecks who do it, it’s terrible bro asshats.
Rednecks know that trucks are for hauling things, or maybe splashing around in mud.
First, buy new wagons. Send the message to the automakers that there is indeed an American desire for longroofs. The more new wagons they sell, the better they can make the case of bringing over some other choices.
Ugh, the whole female assassin controversy is so wall-bangingly stupid. Female playable characters weren't cut, they were never on the table, because Unity has only one playable character like every AC.
Gawker empire, bruh.
No self defense Concealed Weapons? I am disappointed.
Konami’s doing a great job of utterly crushing some of the lingering reminders that it can produce quality content. Maybe they should recall and destroy all copies of “Ground Zeroes” just to make sure we NEVER associate them with anything good ever again.