agreed. i'm frankly for banning all non-press photography at shows, and i see the opinion gaining a lot of ground with both musicians and regular show-goers. i've seen countless shows genuinely ruined by photography, most recently (and tragically) suicide's one and only reunion show, which would have been an…
No matter how informed and hell maybe even true your statements are, I kinda wish you would eat a big bag of dicks instead of talking. I mean no offense and all, it is just a little to soon to be flinging around the Daily Mirror BS like it's scripture. Clarkson was an ass, we know it.....we love it, deal with it.
I think it's pretty clear the Argentina thing wasn't done on purpose.
It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission .
There's only one way to survive when your band loses its frontman—hire Brian Johnson.
....why the hell are you saying this?
The guy is getting all the wrong ends of the stick, Clarkson hits him, Internet turns on him because they think he's the reason their favorite show is cancelled and ultimately he ends up in a questionable employment position due to something completely out of his control. The brunt of Internet Outrage is bad enough,…
I have only known for the past few minutes and if you excuse me I very desperately have to write the eBay listing for my Ferrari.
I'll defend him but that doesn't mean I defend what he did or that he even defends it. We're all human and we all fuck up.
People can hate all the want, the Veyron still excites me.
You left out the most important tip:
OK, I get that was a douche bag move by the officer. But what the fuck was the deal with the camera person. He speeds up in traffic to get his footage, then almost takes out both the biker and the cop (when the cop makes his douche bag move) while laying on the horn in the process. Then proceeds to stalk the cop…