I put the blame squarely at the feet of the Mustang engineers.
I put the blame squarely at the feet of the Mustang engineers.
I played through the entire campaign back when it came out for the 360 and I didn't hire a single prostitute.....hell I don't even remember SEEING a prostitute.
How about deploying the PHYSICAL safety car and putting the race under full yellow if you have to move heavy vehicles onto the track?
I think they should have kept KERS in the name so it would be FXXKERS.
It was not an issue associated with Assassin's Creed, Far Cry, or Ubisoft before E3 last year. Then it became this huge thing for people and now the games have come out and no one talks about it anymore because whether the character(s) are male or female shouldn't really be the most important aspect of the game or its…
Ugh. When will people wise up? You're really applauding them for releasing half-assed games in order to meet the annual holiday release? And those with legit complaints about gaming quality is just being "trendy" and "complaining"? That's really a sad and ignorant way to look at things.
Congratulations on your constructor's and driver's titles! Here is a car painted like a Lotus.
I just fear that the yearly releases are diluting the series as a whole. I admire some of the newer titles (Unity included) for trying new things, but I really do think the series needs a year or two off and only a couple of studios to work on them.
I don't think he's an athlete or at least not a good one because the school expelled/suspended him. That wouldn't have happened if there was a football victory in the offing.
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Get on the wire, tell them how to bring those sons of bitches down.
Those quotes are made 100x better by being posted by "Vin" and "Diesel".
Also, most
copssquids are on a huge above the law power trip. They enjoy being that giant dick with abadgecrotch rocket. Mosttraffic enforcementbiker gangs harbor societal discontent bygiving out shitty revenue generating ticketsshowing off dangerous tricks to whoever they can, pestering people and generally…
Yes, fuck them for not having the integrity to treat their customers like they matter. If a guy secured X spot in the line, Ferrari should have their wits about them to maintain that despite a higher priced order coming along later. This "make more money now" attitude doesn't serve them well in the long run.
Jalopnik: 99% opinions, 1% buying power.
Yeah, like all of them.
This Blogger Is The Worst Thing On Gawker
He didn't say they were putting a Challenger up there, don't worry.