
I push the mouse forward when I want the cursor to go to the top of the screen, pull the mouse to put the cursor at the bottom of the screen. Thats how I see it in an FPS. So I’m not using the characters head as the reference point, I’m treating the screen as a plane, and the crosshair/center view is the cursor. Plus

This reads more like a reminder to people that a developer would love to make a game only for the gamer, but they have a publisher and shareholders to answer to before the gamer gets the product. Fitting considering how shitty some games have been recently at release. People are quick to blame the developer for

Braben already has a game out at least (but the state of completion is up to personal opinion). I really doubt that any of these three games will noteably affect each others sales.

And if the thrift store or library is too far away, I’m sure they know someone driving around in a ‘96 Civic. You know that will have a sweet Pioneer setup in it.

They didn’t in the most recent episode. Which really surprised me, since they normally do like you mentioned. They usually don’t draw the characters as Ken dolls.

Exactly. It’s 2015 - it’s time to stop putting people into seperate groups just because of one feature about them. This message, since apparently it has to be included, should just read: “This game was made by a bunch of people. They are individually named in the credits. Check it out sometime.”

Got an orange car too. Civic Si. Love the color.

It is, just super slow. You can go back in the timeline and see just how far it has zoomed out.

Here is the post where they announced they were moving back to the sails logo, albeit an updated version of it. Kinda flew under the radar. They are going to roll it out as they release new models and update older products it seems. They’re not going to change everything immediately. You can also find refurbs with the

Here is the post where they announced they were moving back to the sails logo, albeit an updated version of it.

In Elite: Dangerous, they also have the tagging system. I’ve got my commander’s name tacked onto a few systems right now, and a whole lot of systems waiting to be turned in when I get back to inhabited space. Currently making my way to Sagittarius A*. Couple thousand lightyears from inhabited space, and about 20k

Yeah they’re great until you start arguing over whose turn it is to flip it. Actually, that’s part of the fun. Nevermind.

I believe it was in the commentary for Prometheus, and Scott mentioned that someone on set suggested that something he did might would work better if done differently. Scott’s response was that he’s been doing this long enough, and has proved himself enough, that he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

So how does a battle group function? Do they normally travel in this formation, or is this more of a photo-op formation?

Thank goodness South Carolina caps sales tax at $300. All the guys at Carolina Motorsports Park are going to be super jelly when me and the squad roll up with this trailer queen track machine. I can see their faces now when we push it into the pit garage.

Good job Wes. It’d be nice if people on TV would let each other talk. I honestly think that blonde woman believes that saying words is part of normal respiration. Also, you’re summary write up/distillation of the show is spot on. Good read.

I thought I was watching the remix a couple times, with all the skipping it was doing on my end. Kept waiting for the drop.

Old ban hammer gif, but still, Sam Jackson.

Well shit. Now I'm confused.

“Winter’s coming.”

But what about the data usage to check your data usage?