
Nah, get rid of that water bong and get a Kirby. My parents have had the same one for about 20 years. Only needs a service every couple years; probably one complete rebuild in those 2 decades (which was still cheaper than buying a Dyson). Also, my mother vacuums everyday of the week, and that Kirby still holds up. And

Nah, get rid of that water bong and get a Kirby. My parents have had the same one for about 20 years. Only needs a

One dollar Drew!

I'm amazed I don't see more tinfoil-hatters truthers around these parts. Those damned loomynarty are srsbznz.

Depends on what city you're in. Some areas are definitely worse than others. In general, the upstate doesn't give a shit how fast you're going as long as you aren't the fastest on the road and/or don't pass them going the same direction. As you get towards the coast (Florence/Myrtle Beach area) they don't care as long

It does affect me when it is something that I wanted to purchase, only to have it denied to me because of some greedy asshole (and by extension some idiot asshole with more money than sense that pays for this and supports the practice). I get burned all the time with Mondo posters. I find one I really want, get ready

Take a look at dimmer LED bulbs. I came across Energizer led's in daylight with dimmer capability at Batteries + Bulbs (or whatever that damn store is called now) that were about $3 each after an instant rebate and mail in rebate. Plus, the LED's put out even less heat than CFL's (which is already pretty low), so you

So they do respawn at some point? That's awesome. I've been moving slow with them because I was afraid it was single use outside of starting a new game. I guess I'll go after them this weekend then.

Wow, with a discount on the pair like that, you would be utterly daft to not go with the pair! I mean, $13,370 off (plus tax savings if any) is a freaking steal. Thank you based Mercedes-Benz.

No, criticism is not bad. I never said otherwise. Constructive criticism is very good. It's how you improve. But criticism shouldn't change the vision or the intended message. Criticism (in my mind) is a discussion on how the message is presented, and what can be done differently to convey that message to a wider

Either you have completely missed the point of my argument, or I have failed miserably to articulate it properly. I'm going to give you the benefit of doubt and say I failed to articulate my point.

No I don't have one. I wish I could because I like to give examples. Just a theoretical statement of what could be if people just keep demanding diversity, instead of supporting it.

I didn't say a damn thing about feminists.

While I do agree with you in part, most of the games that are heavily criticized for what you mentioned (framerate, cutscenses, etc.) tend to be games that don't carry an artistic motive. I'm talking about the likes of Call of Duty, Assassins Creed now that it is practically a yearly installment, and other AAAs. Those

You should definitely watch the cut scenes. Apparently, they have modified some to somehow tie in Halo 5. Not that I would even know if they did. That is another reason I am picking it up. I don't want to just jump into a franchise like Halo and miss all the good stuff. And I completely agree with some old games being

I normally agree 100% with you about remakes, but this is one of the few that I think can be relatively easy to justify. It contains two games over ten years old. Think of the number of new gamers that have come into existence in the past ten years that have never experienced these games. This allows them to catch up

Wait, you wear pants while you game? Don't you know anything about gaming?!

I did it the first try last night (veteran difficulty, not sure if that part scales with the difficulty level). It helps to side step the whole part and dash left/right in small gaps. At least that's what worked with me.

Why am I not surprised to see you in here? Gotta admit, I was kinda surprised this was Darlington and I hadn't heard about it.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who has realized this. I get the feeling that this game probably will never go to other consoles; Microsoft will have some way of strongly discouraging it, despite the developer having the choice to do whatever they want after a certain time period [continued cash injections, in-game