Yep, I’m sure he was a Trumper...
Yep, I’m sure he was a Trumper...
EXACTLY. Crickets from guys like Mark...
Asshole, I’ve been watching NASCAR since about 1989. First off, it hasn’t been called “The Chase” since 2016. Second, yes, Harvick got that meaningless regular season award. BFD. Google who won the 2020 NASCAR championship and it was Elliot. The regular season award means jack shit, much like your posts on here.
Yes, the Chase/Playoffs are stupid. You can’t turn motorsports’ championships into a playoff like other sports. A driver should be rewarded for his team’s body of work over the course of a season, not based on chance in the last dozen races. There are too many variables in motorsports.
That “old guy” has the most wins in NASCAR history, tied for most championships, and literally every calls him by his nickname, “The King.” I’d say his word counts.
Ok, hero.
Not to mention the “playoffs.” I hate it.
“...for no reason...”
The shit stain local pigs...
Take your star...
Yeah, fall back on that old troupe because you have no response. You didn’t make a single cogent argument. You couldn’t argue your way out of a paper bag, my man.
Internal Combustion Engine Engines?
So she died of cancer? I haven’t read anything about the cause of her death. What kind of cancer?
Sure, if you imagine that the US is the only country in the world that had to deal with this. Basically everywhere else handled it better than we did, mostly because our federal government actively encouraged people to go out and spread the virus. California tried to take a responsible approach, but it largely failed…
Yes, old people never died before COVID-19... I just added up the numbers on the CDC website and as on March 10, 410,192 of the deaths have been age 65 and older. The average lifespan in the US is 78.
Except how may of the 450 died? Probably zero. Not many elderly working in the plant. Possibly someone with a comorbidity.
I’ve been coming to Jalop since late 2007/early 2008. It was a great car site. Now it’s devolved to this: Erin doing about a post/article asking about our “traumatic” bus rides and telling us this is a “safe space” to tell our stories. Anyone who uses seriously the words “safe space” automatically loses me but…
We decided for today’s QOTD that Jalopnik is a safe space.
Umm, those aren’t the numbers for INDIANA. Try again, Bradley.
You’re a journalist of sorts. Let’s see your source(s) on that three times as bad number, please.