
Nothing has changed since the last time?? Jesus, the Bad Orange Man is out of the White House. You can stop pushing doom and gloom reference COVID-19. Literally everything has changed since last August. We have very effective vaccines, for one, with more on the way. I love how you just gloss over the fact that the

Because I fucking want to. Also, I do track days. Also, this is America. 

Exactly. He just kind of glosses over the fact that cases are down 77% since the peak in January... 77%!!

You’re a horrible fucking woman. I'm not surprised at all that you don't speak with your father. He's probably ashamed of you.

Not “one side.” JFC. Fringe elements and a small minority of Trumpsters that gathered in DC for that stupid event.  Way to brush with a broad stroke, though.

You couldn’t be any more wrong. How are you not in the grays?

Ok, that was hilarious...

You're expecting far too much from this site.

Damn you. Take my star. ⭐

You don’t get jokes very often, do you?

I’ve made it far in school. Graduate level degree, in fact. You obviously have an inability to read about the virus and its mortality rates as it relates to age and health conditions.  Keep buying the hype...

Not a denier. A lot of people have died... A lot of OLD people and people with preexisting health conditions.  As such, I’ve just not bought into the mainstream media and government COVID hype. Jesus fucking Christ, just look at the fatality rates on the CDC website. If you’re under 65-70, it’s no deadlier than the

You’re right. Fuck me. When I look back at this year and read through the list of F1, IndyCar, NASCAR, etc. drivers and crew that were felled by this heinous virus, the numbers are truly disturbing. I mean, Lewis had it couple weeks ago and he’s dead, right? I don’t know how or WHY we allowed motorsports to continue

Yeah, the racers and teams would probably die if they had to drive through Swedish cities and fly into Swedish airports. Tons of elderly drivers, too. Again, good call.

Tons of COVID out there in the Swedish forrests. Good call. 

Damn, I've been commenting here for a long time... 

That’s exactly how I read it, too.

Booooooooo! Take my star, you bastard! Hahaha

Fucking anti-Tesla clickbait.

I’ve been coming to the site for auto news since late 2007. I don’t despise her; I feel bad for her, as I stated in my original post.