I should’ve expected such a response from a guy who has a fucking GMG Union profile pic.
I should’ve expected such a response from a guy who has a fucking GMG Union profile pic.
I read that she is in a “high risk” group, whatever that means. Hell, we could all claim to be in some sort of “risk group”...
What you described doesn’t make you a “Rona warrior,” it makes you a hypochondriac. Good God, I feel sorry for you.
You have absolutely no idea what these cars are worth. The E46 M3 market is strong.
It’s a fucking word. He didn’t say it to a black person or use it in a racist way. Jesus... Calm down, Karen. Are you that sensitive?
Username checks out.
He had a consequence: he didn’t race or get paid at all this year in NASCAR. All because he said a racial epithet... Jokingly. Everyone has such delicate sensibilities... Jesus.
Seriously, fuck these guys. We should be able to order this car directly from Ford.com.
Stop being that guy. Jesus goddamn Christ, they haven’t been “stock cars” since the 60s. And they can’t be stock cars because safety and a million other reasons. Get over it. It's just a name.
Those were OEM parts. Not made for “racing.” It wasn’t built to do repeated race laps at the Ring with an F1 driver driving.
What a stupid comment. How many have YOU won?
Much like Natalie Imbruglia, I’m torn... I appreciate that they are differentiating the M3/4 from the 3 Series. And Audis have had a huge grill for nearly 20 years. This looks better than the hexagon grill on the 4 Series. But it wouldn’t have killed them to make it half as tall or something.
Except that’s not at all what he said. He just pointed out what the fact that most people are dying from Covid-19 are old or have health conditions. Your reading comprehension sucks.
3rd gear: we’re still going to need those ventilators for potheads who get COVID-19 (already have bad lungs), like my stalker, Yes I drive a 240...sort of.
....except COVID-19 doesn’t affect children. Out of all the deaths, something like 90 have been under the age of 24. And they likely had underlying health conditions.
Exactly the correct take. He got the Stoner’s Darwin Award for his actions.
Another pothead! Go lick some COVID-covered doorknobs, loser.
Listen, it’s obvious you’re a pothead yourself and you love the weed. Good for you. Toke up. There are far worse drugs you could do out there, but just know that the general population considers regular marijuana users like you to be losers.
Pothead is synonymous with loser in my book. That’s it, really. I’m not offended nor triggered by a plant. You’re the one who has a hard-on for replying to my posts. I don’t get it. Don’t you have to get to the dispensary?