I just called a guy a pothead. No triggering for me. You’re the one who strangely keeps commenting on my posts... Stalk much?
I just called a guy a pothead. No triggering for me. You’re the one who strangely keeps commenting on my posts... Stalk much?
You’re really reaching now, idiot. Just stop while you're behind.
Such an intelligent response. I didn’t expect much more than that after I laid out some actual numbers to put your false number in context. Dumb fuck.
Ok, hero... First off, a few MILLION?? Wrong. The worldwide COVID death count is 807K. United States is at 176K. Do you think people live forever? Especially the elderly and those who have pre-existing health conditions, because that’s 80% of who’s died from this.
Umm, China is a Communist country, Karen. Its people didn’t have a choice in the matter. And if you believe their reported death numbers, you’re even dumber than you appear to be. Guarantee they have mass COVID graves over there.
FFS, get a hold of yourself, snowflake.
Assholes like you make this site intolerable. Sorry I mistook your last post to infer you lived in Iowa when you were actually talking about the race track. My bad.
Michigan, meanwhile, had 232 deaths on April 25 and has had a total of 6,637. Since the beginning of June it’s fluctuated between ZERO and 30. So, again, big fucking deal.
Your state’s deaths peaked on May 22 with a whopping 25 deaths. Since the beginning of June it’s fluctuated between ZERO and sixteen per day. 1,031 total deaths. Big fucking deal.
My little bubble? Mmkay... I’ve been keeping up on the stats for the entire state of Michigan for the past few months. Deaths are waaay down. Relax.
Stop being an asshole if you want to have a discussion. Jesus.
I was using the malaria number to put your 800k figure in context. The vast majority of the 800K came in the spring, before or when mitigation efforts were just starting to take place. The death rate, according to the CDC numbers, is so far down now (a whopping 10 people supposedly died of COVID in Michigan, where I…
Over 1 million people die of malaria every year, too. And we have shots and cures for that.
0.5% mortality rate for healthy adults. This isn’t The Plague. FFS, let’s just move on with our lives.
TRIGGERED. How about you just stop replying to my posts where I use the word pothead, Focker?
Yes, you are the same putz that brought up me calling him a pothead a few weeks ago. Get over it.
He had already lost his starting job and was riding the pine when he started his stupid taking a knee bullshit. Nice try, though.
*killed a pothead who walked out on to a hot track. FIFY
Can you tell us your real thoughts on the topic?
El cracko de pipeo.