
Oh, Christ, like he's going to exhibit "extra aggressive" behavior this weekend. If anything, he'll be less aggressive than he (and all drivers) are.

Him racing again has no bearing on the investigation.


Ok, the lack of prosecutions in police shootings may be a bit of circular logic, but it's certainly a basis of forming a frame of reference as to the truth. I live in Michigan and, thus, hear news about Detroit on a regular basis. Even there, where police shootings are more common than other areas due to the high

Still a head-turner. Plus, POP-UP HEADLIGHTS.


I'll just copy and paste my reply from your earlier post because it's still on-point and the way Kinja threads this shit, it's impossible to know who will read what...

Fair enough - collect the data. But there's no way it will be complete or necessarily accurate. He's using readers of a sports blog as his minions, er, I mean data collectors! I'm sure he'll vet things as best as he can, but NO future grad student could use this as a source. I'm familiar with writing and sourcing

Let's just say I'm pretty sure of the results from personal experience and knowledge about police shootings. Aside from that use, just using common sense - how many times do you hear about a police officer being charged with homicide after shooting someone? I can't recall a recent incident. That's because the VAST

Yes, I totally agree with your post up until the last sentence. I don't see why this needs to be addressed. The vast majority of police shootings are justified. It's not like every other day you hear about a cop randomly shooting someone and being charged with homicide...

Ok, I apologize and retract my post. Koala IS a troll.

So what's he going to do with the data once collected and collated? Just say, "Thanks, guys!" No, he's going to reach conclusions, likely with a misunderstanding of the events nor training or the education to make said conclusions.

Oh, fuck off with your troll nonsense.

Beautiful woodwork in the ceiling...

What purpose would that serve, exactly? If a cop justifiably kills a bad guy, why should his address be published and known to the public?

A Deadspin (??)/Gawker database of police shootings gathered by its readers is NOT going to influence police policy nor help the public. Is Kyle going to take this info, once gathered, and travel across the country giving seminars to police agencies? No. In the wake of Ferguson, he's looking for data that may show

"Accountability" will be a "real utility for making law enforcement safer for cops and public"? Again, how will this make law enforcement safer? Collecting data on cops shooting people - the majority of which will be justified - won't make the public any safer, either.


Living in the White House gets you absolutely nothing. Being a Senator for a couple years not much more. Some credit for Secretary of State. But, really, she's a liberal lawyer who's got where she is by riding Slick Willy's coattails.

Who was president when all the planning took place? Who was president and failed to kill that Osama guy a number of times?