She's a liberal cunt and not fit to be president. God help us if she's elected.
She's a liberal cunt and not fit to be president. God help us if she's elected.
The fuck is wrong with you?
+1. Damn fine stuff.
Upon further reflection, you're right. The possible false arrest of a black man during the Brown riots changes EVERYTHING. Black-on-black murder surely isn't the real issue. I AM hilarious!
Says the guy who has nothing back his claims up with... I'd say you're the hilarious one. Again, please read THIS. Deadly force authorized.
Pretty sure it's a joke...
You're living in a fantasy/Hollywood world. They're all dead.
The FUCK does this have anything to do with Brown? NOTHING. Nice try, race baiter. This is the real problem.
Yeah, he shouldn't have shot Brown after getting his face beat in and Brown charged back at him... /sarc
I didn't see it as being too high and mighty. He's worth $800 million. He doesn't need to waste the time with her and her insurance company. The Post obviously got wind and he voiced his frustrations. Yadda, yadda...
I'm sorry, he had committed mere robbery (not armed). Then he was walking down the middle of the road blocking traffic, and, finally, he attacked the cop who shot him (not in the back), fracturing his eye socket.
And attacking the cop who shot him.
Peacefully? No.
*suspected armed robber
What's the sweet-spot wire on the Reagan and HW Bush (and the future Ford class) that only have three arresting wires? The #2, I assume?
Yep. I said almost the same thing in my last (and final) reply to Comb Over. It just makes no sense that Stewart was going to buzz him and "teach him a lesson." Why would he even do that? What would possibly be his motive? I doubt he even knew Ward crashed. But even assuming he did know he crashed, why would Stew…
This Comb Over guy's a fucking tool.
The whole "Tony was buzzing him" makes absolutely no sense. There was no apparent contact between he and Ward and I'm not sure Tony even knew the car he was passing had crashed. The vision out of sprint cars isn't the best, especially behind and to the right. They also don't have spotters.
You mean blame the proper person? Yep, I do, as do the vast majority on here. Road raging on foot on a live dirt track was a dumb idea.