
No, it's NOT too late to blame the one guy who set this in motion: Ward. Had he kept his ass in his car, he'd be alive today. Instead, he let his temper get the best if himself and he stepped out to confront Tony. For all we know, Tony didn't see him until the last second and turned and gunned it to get left to avoid

By the way, that shithole Detroit is a good place for you. Please stay there. And please don't get carjacked or shot (which is likely). I couldn't go on without your comments on here...

Yeah, because I call Native Americans redskins and blacks the N-word DAILY! It's like you know me SO well from this Dance of the Tards we've done here! I'M SO RAYCESS IT HURTS.

So what IS the point? "Ooh, it was once derogatory and so they shouldn't use it duuuur." I'd hazard a guess that very few even use it as a Native American slur anymore. Poll some average NFL fans and I bet even less know "redskin" was once derogatory. But if it offends one tenth of one percent, by God, change it!

Ok, so say Snyder changed the name tomorrow to the Washington Clowns. Then what? Will Native Americans suddenly be freed from the chains that the name of a fucking football team have bound them by and be able to flourish? Will they rise up from the alcoholism and abnormally high rates of sexual assualt/incest that

Sticks and stones, dickhead... A name of a fucking football team hurts not a single Native American. It doesn't oppress them. It doesn't cause them to drink (that's genetic). So please stop with your white guilt.

Yeah, one article totally refuted me. Dammit... And my use of "homo" in response to your "fag" comments went right over your mullet. Not surprised. Your panties are fully bound right now.

Wow. Compelling article...

Your link doesn't work. Marginalized or or not, this more whitey feeling bad than anything. It's a fucking name of a football team. Who gives a shit. It doesn't have the stigma of the dreaded N-word, so let it be.

So please link to some articles from Native Americans bitching about the name then, asshole. I'm not ignoring them, I've literally never seen them. Why do you care about it so much? Does the name hurt you? Also, go fuck yourself.

Love the bald eagle on the tail. Awesome.

Where are all these Native Americans who consider it a slur? We don't seem to hear from them, just the aforementioned white folk looking to make themselves feel better (white guilt).

And her voice... Ugh.

No, the CTS is much larger and is in a different class. The price doesn't matter. The ATS is in direct competition with the BMW 3/4 Series and Audi A4/5 and S4/5.

Try read his linked post.

Try read his linked post.

Try read his linked post.

Break the habit lol.

Why do you end sentences with lol? There's nothing funny in what you wrote.

In Soviet Russia...