
I don’t understand why people are getting upset by this conversation. It’s a basic truth that lighter skinned black women and girls are more readily chosen because of their closer proximity to white beauty standards. I think having a dark skinned black girl would have made all the difference. Representation is really

Empathy for WHAT? she lied, she’s a liar, she’s a damn White woman who has taken places reserved for Black people. She is claiming membership of a group whose struggles SHE HAS NOT EXPERIENCED. She can take her tan and wig off tomorrow and live as a white woman but Black women can never ever remove their colour and

I think the reason people got upset over the rape scene was because other rape scenes have been added in the past, not to mention have been sexualized, and they were completely unnecessary. So now having more rape scenes has people sick and tired. I for one am so upset at seeing women brutalized over and over

The Craft is awesome. Plus it has the most accurate portrayal of Wicca that I’ve seen in a movie. THEY CANNOT REMAKE IT

Either its an all- male panel or they will have 1 or 2 token women and that’s not much better. We have a comedy show in NZ called 7 Days and they always have 1 token female comedian.

I am not American. I don’t eat twinkies or whatever the hell you’re thinking of, and I try my best to not buy products on the BDS list which contribute to the subjugation of the Palestinian people. We had a huge upset here in NZ when an Israeli company selling skin products from the Dead Sea (off of stolen Palestinian

Umm excuse me but Lauryn Hill cancelled her concert because many people apart of the BDS movement, myself included, pleaded with her to send a strong message against racism, oppression and murder. The BDS movement seeks to put pressure on the Israeli government to stop illegal occupation of Palestinian land and the

It’s about a stupid and superficial as I would expect a song called “Pretty Girls” to be. Yay for reducing women down to their looks once again? meh

I buy CDs! Lots of them :)

"...which had already birthed three children."...

OH.MY.GOD I have gotten into fandom fights about the way (the mainly female) fans just HATE on Alana for "betraying" Will. Like you said, Hannibal is a manipulative shit, she had no idea what was actually going on! PLUS she never committed to Will, they never even slept together, why isn't she allowed to bang

I have massive problems with Iggy's racist ass and her faux accent but this is a completely shitty thing to do to anyone. That's private information that shouldn't be shared. Not funny

you know bisexuals exist right? We're not fucking unicorns. I don't know why your first guess is lesbian when bisexual would be more appropriate considering she has dated men. grr

The thing is that even Kim Kardashian's body is near unattainable (even for her without work done) and definitely unrealistic. Yes she has curves but she also has a thin waist. A lot of women who have the same big butt and boobs need the weight that goes along with carrying them, but KK has that plus a skinny

But if you genuinely believe in the power of prayer, then he really is wanting the guy to commit suicide. I'm sure Jesus would approve.

Well I don't think I can truly express how hurt and disappointed I am by this from Jezebel. Jia, whoever you are, have attempted to invalidate everything I have gone through as a victim of inter-sibling child abuse . I struggled to not blame myself and stop repressing everything that happened, which also lead to

I went through inter-sibling child abuse. fuck everyone defending miss perfect white feminist Lena Dunham. She abused her sister. Straight up

As someone who went through inter sibling child abuse FUCK ALL YOU people defending Lena Dunham. You're just trying to to excuse this behaviour cos its her. Fucking white feminists. Fucking Jezebel and their bullshit. Now I'm upset

Direct action is being planned over this disgrace. This is not the end of it and police should be in for a shitstorm cos we are fucking pissed

Now playing

I just adore this love song between Luka and Miku. Forbidden yuri love ftw