
Or even just a female character who isn't a 2-deminsional prop.

"How is this any better than how they portray women?"

That's interesting and also doesn't in any way change the fact that is old, old news. Anyway, I hope you like the show and I hope you understand that Walt is a shithead. A surprising number of people don't understand this, so I feel the need to state it whenever given the opportunity. Sometimes I wish Gawker had sigs

"But whatever issues you have with GTAV should be the same issues you have with Breaking Bad or Sopranos or any of the other shows that actually do glorify criminals ... but you don't have issues with those shows do you?"

Haven't heard anyone state that. However, Demosthenes seems to outraged at the author of this article for stating his opinion.

This is so old. Not just the clip, but the "OMG LOL JESSE BITCH". Two years too late. You can do better, Kotaku. Or can you.....??

I didn't catch this stupidness when I first saw it, so I'll just say this now: This is ridiculous hyperbole and you should feel bad for posting it. You might as well have thrown something in there are Hitler. Y'know, for that little extra something stupid. To elaborate, no one made the claim that video games cause all

Okay then. Word.

There is a difference. I've never heard a woman going on one of these mass killing sprees. 98% of violent crime is committed by men. Yes, you can make a point about sentencing discrimination but still, the vast majority of violent crime is committed by men. It'd be interesting to examine why that is.

You're the one who brought meaningless memes into this.

I read that as "I'm tired of diversity in the media". I'm sure you are, lickthesak. I'm sure you are.

What are you even talking about? Hang up what "white thing"? You need to make a point before we can actually talk about it.

Looks like about 63 people got it, actually. Yes, I do math for a living. Why do you ask?


Uh, okay. Against my better judgement, I'm going to attempt to explain this to you yet again. You must be so angry that you're just not reading what I'm writing because I refuted your "point" several times. You claimed to not understand what I was saying. Yet you keep frothing at the mouth over how I "don't even

Wow, I don't even know what to say. You're digging yourself an even deeper hole of stupid. Let me explain - You called me a "baseless child". So, am I or am I not a child? And then you go on to post a definition of "baseless" as if that make the statement "baseless child" any more intelligible. Wow, just wow. Whatever

lel, yeah I'm a "baseless child" whatever that means. And you haven't called anyone a "fucking ape" or any number of other insults? You haven't implied that I was beaten as a child and that I'm poor because I pointed out your disproportionate rage at a comment on a gaming website? Your valid arguments are bullshit.

Nope, I called you out on your racist bullshit and you hulked out, embarrassing yourself and your "community". Not that I expected better from a Kotaku commenter. Omg, time to hulk out again and compare my egregiously offensive statement to racism! Omg so oppressive no one understands ur plight!

How's that, brah? Because I said something you don't like? I think you'll find a lot of people have "sick brains" if that's your only criteria.

Lmao nice. You implied I was beaten by my parents and that I'm poor in the same comment. This is on top of regurgitating my genuine concern for the well-being of those around you when I implored you to seek help for your angry outbursts. Very desperate, indeed. You're not even grasping at straws anymore, you've shoved