
If you find it difficult to read comments that aren't filled with expletives, feel free to add in some fucks and fuckings wherever you like. And again, we can continue this conversation when you've dropped out of high school. I'm sure you'll have something much more constructive to say when you're able to control your

Clam down and wipe your mouth. You're foaming.

I would have actually killed myself if GTA were mandatory. I had to force myself to finish IV because, problematic depictions of whatever aside, it's a shitty game with terrible mechanics. San Andres on the other hand...Anyway, you're doing a lot of talking but not a lot of demonstrating. You make a lot of bold,

Your sentiments are misplaced. You are enabling the kind of behavior you claim to be against by attempting to school me and not others. No, I do not believe anything I do is above criticism, but I'm going to point out how absurd that criticism is when it's blind to the kind of behavior ruining this community. I don't

You claiming something is unsubstantiated does not make it so. A game that has questionable portrayals of women could potentially influence a persons perceptions of women. Ok and now you're defending parents letting their kids play M rated games. And now we're done talking.

"I"M NOT MAD!". Lol, sure. You're going to pretend you didn't just throw a temper tantrum in front of the whole internet? You're going to pretend you didn't just make the people you're trying to defend look even worse by losing it? LOL. And wow, way to engage! At least I haven't resorted to calling people who have

I can tell you're white because you're comparing generalizations based on where you happen to comment to racism because of skin color. HURRR. I'm trolling? I bet you expect to be taken seriously with arguments pulled out of your smelly little asshole, right? Try again when your balls have dropped.

Yes, I generalized Kotaku commenters. Yes, that was my intention. No, I am not sorry. You keep claiming to know the hidden meaning behind my posts and you keep being wrong. Yes, it was an insult directed at the collective problem the gaming community and by extension, Kotaku commentariat, has with women. I expect

Okay, I don't know what's up with you but you're seriously missing like huge chucks of information and filling in those gaps with weirdness. I don't think anyone responded to me rudely precisely because I'm female, more because I expressed feminist sentiments than anything. I'm saying that, in general, Kotaku

"Your original comments didn't have to do with sexism, and your insult certainly didn't either."

Because I wasn't implying that 1) GTA invented misogyny or 2) turns people into rapists or 3) is responsible for rape or any of the other ridiculous "implications" people are deriving from my post. Durrrrrrr. To clarify, I only implied that GTA has the potential to negatively impact ones attitudes towards women. The

I'm not becoming part of the same problem. I'm not furthering sexism in the gaming community. Sexism in this community is furthered by sexist attitudes, not hyperbolic statements poking fun at said sexism. How can you even make such a ridiculous statement? No one is matching anyone failures. Even if I had made a

Yes, it certainly does imply that. Truly the height of injustice. I'm making no attempt to hide the fact that I have a low opinion of Kotaku commenters in general and I think this thread pretty clearly demonstrates why. And the fact that people are outraged about someone potentially implying that a certain portion of

Do you need a nap or something? If I'm the most ignorant person you've ever seen, then you need to get out more *platitude abut how all gamers are basementdwellers*. Thanks for being yet another shining example of the immaturity that I'm talking about. Awww, did I insult your community? Did I point out a flaw in your

Well, I'd argue that your focus on me and not on the myriad of other, more problematic responses is part of the problem. I'm responding to a problem. You and your ilk are reinforcing and enabling it. You focus disproportionately on people who make comments that "generalize" but say nothing when truly problematic

Uh, there's nothing wrong with saying "your community has a problem and you should acknowledge and deal with it". I think people should be more concerned with said problem in their community than getting huffy about someone potentially generalizing their community. Because you and others are making this point that we

I was more making a point about people who defend irresponsible parenting choices being immature. And a point about Kotaku commenters being sexist. But and established feminist and gamer such as yourself is probably well aware of the issue of sexism in the gaming community, right?

Interesting that you single out my post, which is not filled with even half the stupid and vitriol of other comments. Did you tell the guy comparing my post to racism to be more respectful? What about the guy saying I'm "just a cunt"? What about the guy calling people "stupid fucking apes"? No? I'm not going to play

You felt what about what? I'm asking you what exactly your point is. Because my point was not that if you play these games, you become a rapist or whatever some are disingenuously claiming I meant with my OP. Your comment seems to indicate that you think that's what I meant.

So did I. What's your point?