
@Clifton Tarpy: It really isn't up to the developers. Chrome is not as open as Firefox is. Extensions do not have those kind of privileges.

@pmbaustin: Funny how you used single spaces throughout that.

@Ken: In many cases it is fatal

@Gotlactose: Sorry i wasn't clear on what i meant. I meant that i wish we iOS could havve a quick reply with Google Voice. But i'll settle with boxcar notifications with gv mobile.

@Gotlactose: If only this were available on ios

@pitman: Try a combination of rocketdock and rainmeter if you want a similar desktop for windows

@the7k: Don't feed the trolls their christmas dinner

Jet Set Radio and Reddog please! :) Oh and furry fighters

@tengobotas: They're a business. Things like this happen

@Queequegaz: The article is meant to provide alternatives for all the readers. It's just another option that "Endless" could ignore while everyone else can happily take advantage of.

@Tiller: I think you got that from pre-ordering it on Amazon