
Take a look at the link for the app in the itunes app store. Requires iOS 4.3 at least, 2G iPods only got as high as 4.2.

Always uninstall anything that might conflict.

I believe Card switcher is iOS 5 compatible.

If there is an SBSettings toggle, then Activator should provide the plug-in capabilities you are looking for.

What is the original rainmeter skin? I just love big clocks :)

Is the rainmeter custom?

Most likely. Just tried iexplorer and could not find it either.

Webclips are located at root/private/var/mobile/Library/WebClips. Just click through to find the right folder and replace icon.png

Facebook chat tip is pretty cool but the Google bar script is something I've been wanting for awhile. Thanks Lifehacker.

Yes Pop-ups is the Firefox equivalent and I must say its a handy tool.

It's an oxygen mask.

If you're not using the default multitasking bar, then this tweak won't do anything new for you.

"Mom's Daily Planner: Shopping Lists, To-Do & Calendar" link is a link to "PhotoCalorie"

I usually think more (tactic-wise) in a pokemon battle than an FPS. :)


Thank you.


I haven't seen any ask if the graphics switching will affect the cut-scenes.

You wouldn't have that hosted on an image site would you?