
You're right, the culprit is a part of the Sense GUI. This is a perfect example of why people should root their phones, even if they have no intention of running custom roms or kernals.

While this is a bit concerning, anyone who is rooted can fix this in 2 minutes. Just use Titanium Backup to uninstall "HTCLoggers" apk. You could also change the extension from apk to bak (system/app folder I think) if you didn't want to uninstall it for some reason.

Roku plus Roksbox is 110% win. If you have a Roku (mine is the cheapest last gen) and a computer you can use as a server on your network, you can browse and view your videos, pictures and music with the Roku. Works great.

You're arguing samantics at this point. While I understand your point that the act of driving 110 mph is not neccessarily the reason he's dead, it was obviously a very bad idea. Drunk or not driving 100 in a 45 mph zone is stupid. The speeds are zoned the way they are for a reason, be it connecting roads, wildlife or

Hopefully he brings back Tyrone!

Well when they take you the long way around in Win7 and skip steps on the Mac (I assume you would need to quit Skype if it's running on a Mac as well) it kinda looks that way, doesn't it.

But then it's not all convoluted so Windows looks bad. That's no fun.

oops, double post. Stupid work computer with only IE8. :(

@ender89: Think about what he's saying (or see my illustration below).

"Wow, my new $2500 Skizee sure made getting to the top of this hill easy! This is a great invention!"

@itsnewman08: Unless you skip the iPhone and jump to the HTC Thunderbolt or Motorola Bionic LTE data & talk. Yep, war's over folks. :P

The upcoming VZW-iPhone vs AT&T-iPhone fanboy war should be quite interesting. Sad, but interesting.

@jdale: While that's interesting, that doesn't really tell you what people are complaining about (as vinod1978 pointed out above you). Eve though they didn't give out any info on data/voice package pricing I would be very suprised if it wasn't pretty much in-line with their current smartphone plans.

@Kyle Fray: To some people this will matter, others won't give a crap. I personally have never had the need for data/voice at the same time but I don't expect everyone to use their phone the same way I do.

Amazon Prime FTW. It's totally worth it if you like to shop on Amazon.

@mf679: Yes every ad that does not feature a cracker-ass cracker is obviously racist.

@The5thElephant: Nope, you're right. Not sure what kind of special math R.B. is using.

@YK: My first gen Roku still provide hours of entertainment on the cheap, love it.