
Maybe he can find that baby shaking app and everyone at the party can just take turns shaking the piss out of him. A good time for everyone but him. I love it when a plan comes together.

@Graviton1066: I don't see where you're coming from at all. MS didn't trojan horse xbox into peoples living rooms through other devices. They put it on the market, some people prefered it and purchased it. I don't how you can find an antitrust issue with the xbox.

@legendofmatt: Well, it was $10 per sq inch 6 years ago, not so sure about now...

Scotty says to just use transparent aluminum, noobs.

@tanukineri: Touchscreen keyboards are getting better, but my wife texts me a lot and I much prefer a physical keyboard. I've got serious man-hands. ;)

@orionx3000: Just because it has the word "wet" in it doesn't mean it works.

All that slide and no keyboard? I say lose the analog pad thingy and give it a keyboard. A small keyboard is better than no keyboard.

That is friggen awesome. Take that shit Light Bright!

And this is the reason I will not own a tablet till their price is cut about in half. They are just too limited to me.

Yeah, I really should be working...

@zPhreak: Another good point, guess the whole situation was a good bit more complex than the article leads one to believe.

@scrapking: Good point, hadn't thought of that.

@Sentientv2: Has what to do with what? If MS never sold another Office license for a Mac I doubt it would affect their bottom line that much.

I know the two companies have a good working relationship, and there's no reason they shouldn't, but I'm a little confused as to why Microsoft felt they needed to placate Stevie-boy. I would have though at the point all this went down Apple needed MS more than MS needed Apple. Think about it, if you were required to

@RubiksCube: Cool, haven't been sleeping well, my sarcasm-meter is currently unreliable at best.

@RubiksCube: Hmm, all I heard was "My stuffs better, look how much money I spent on it!"

@FauxReal: Yeah, I think Sprint assumes that just because Android smartphones are doing so well against the iPhone that the same will hold true of iPad vs Android tablets. To me that's a huge assumption that not really based on anything concrete.

@iacubbulelec: Well said. I agree that having to pay for multiple devices individually is just plain stupid. The first carrier to figure this out will be my new carrier.

"What to do with your aging MacBook Air now that Apple's introduced two shiny new models? If you're a big greasy douche you blow it up, of course."