
@Leon Carpenter: Don't get me wrong, I don't think the mifi is a good deal or anything. Unless VZW has changed their data plans recently tethering requires the $45 data plan with a additional $15 charge for VZAccess (think that's what they call it). Even still, $60 for unlimited data on your phone and other devices

@Mike43110: The guy I went to high school with was what some would call flaming. Like stereotypical flaming, talked with a lisp (seemingly by choice) and very effeminate. Last time I saw him he was in drag, but wasn't planning on surgery.

The crocs are none to happy either.

Must resist urge to comment with "Soviet Russia" meme;

I grew up in SE Tennessee (thanks for the condolences that will surely follow) and I cannot imagine being a gay teen in high school (I graduated in '89, yes, I'm that old). I went to high school with one openly gay guy and they gave that kid hell. Kids are intolerant turds, hopefully this helps a bit.

@freakboy9: I wonder if the Movers did the prototyping for this device?

Even though I'm not a Mac guy I have to agree with the other posters that the Air is not really a netbook. Maybe it rests somewhere between a netbook and a notebook, but it seems like is got more going for it than what most of us would consider a netbook.

@Hooray4Zoidberg: I agree that this is priced better than the original Air and that the price is comparable to similar offerings from other vendors. It's expensive to me because I'm not in the market for the type of things that make this more expensive than a regular laptop. Portability is close to the bottom of my

Man, every time I read something about this phone OS my opinion on it changes. I know myself, the things that Matt lists as missing would drive me bat shit. I was the kid you couldn't keep from picking at his scabs. (Nice analogy, right?)

No subsidy - check

While I agree that this thing is overpriced and underpowered, I also understand why it is. Miniaturized electronics cost more, always have, and always will. This thing is tiny. Sure it's using older hardware, but for browsing the web, document editing and multimedia stuff, those specs should perform well enough. You

@csc3: The iPad cannot run OSX software, this laptop can. This very expensive, under-powered laptop can.

Sweet! Now if I can just find a cross-dressing Indian drummer the band will be complete.

So this guy is a co-boss named Jim? Sounds familiar...

I refuse to post a comment to any article related in any way to Justin Bieber.

These charts would be a lot more telling if we had actual numbers. Looks to me like a good portion of both of those charts should be listed under one name "Custom/Other".

@redman042: It's six of one half dozen of the other. Instead of Apple controlling the carriers are. Just goes to show that people who really like Android may want to think about their choice of carrier before they just re-up. Sprint and T-Mobile seem to be pretty hands off, but VZW seems to be trying to get a tighter

@Ian Logsdon: Hopefully Gingerbread will get us past the skinning phase. As much as I like HTC Sense I can see why people would not want to use it. While power users can easily disable it that option might not be readily apparent to your average user.