
@alex_xx: The fact that "The A-Team" means that movie to you is very sad, cause it means I'm old.

@clearbox: Actually MS is doing the right thing taking this approach. Had they done the same for the Zune platform, it might not have degraded to a mere internet meme.

That dude from the A-Team is gonna be pissed.

@erichg14: I use Hulu to keep current on shows as well, I was more comparing their back-catalog of shows.

@CaptainJack: That's a great point, I was getting ready to buy a new Roku box for the kids room when Netflix showed up on the Wii. Hopefully we'll be seeing a Netflix app for Android before it's time for me to upgrade my phone.

Seeing these numbers makes me realize how much better Netflix TV selection is. Just off the top of my head I know there 10+ seasons of the X-Files, 9 or so of South Park, 3-4 of Bones, 6-7 of 24, 2-3 of Pushing up Daisies, etc, etc, etc. Plus unlimited 1 DVD at a time for a buck less a month.

@iansilv: Wow, maybe you should just ask your Mom to buy you a PSP for you're Sweet 16 and call it a day.

@cjo268: They put them there because there's a market for them. I will gladly take a slightly thicker phone in exchange for a physical keyboard. The best virtual keyboard is a poor imitation of a sliders keyboard.

@iansilv: The best reason for you maybe, but for me games are maybe the third most important function of my smartphone.

Form WAY over function!

@lorensingley: It doesn't look like the magic would happen at 12:00 am/pm. Unless you consider 3 straight lines better than a cube.

@Stevox: While I fully agree with your post, I think the image of the RIAA and congress holding hands like this is what is turning most people off to the idea.

@mvd7793: Nothing the current congress does surprises me. Bunch of fools pandering to big business, lobbyists and unions.

@ddhboy: Hopefully Google is baking this into Gingerbread.

@iansilv: @Mohammed Arabiat: Doodle Jump and Angry Birds might be the shiznit, but lack of a few familiar games seems like a poor reason to turn your back on a potential killer mobile gaming system.

@Wayne Yahnke: Don't forget Windows Phone 7. Yes it's unproven at this point but MS seems to have finally waken up a bit and realized smartphones are big business.