
@jrghoull: Actually it's Google's opinion of how to label the best. I think it's stupid and I'm not alone. If this handset brought never before seen feature previously thought impossible, the label might be deserved. It doesn't, it's a nice piece of tech, but a superphone it is not. Google's rational for the super

@prettyboy1974: While Giz's problem with the term "superphone" may be related to their smartphone of choice, I happen to agree with them (I own and love a Touch Pro 2). Google's opinion that this phone is so far advanced that we need a new category to describe it is the height of douchebaggery. It's market-speak to

@Kymeira: Once Google coined the term "superphone" all kinds of weird things have been happening. Bastards.

Hmm, to me this just seems like a good way to kill Google Voice. The carries will catch on eventually, and I assume they will have no problem screwing GV and their wireless customers on this. I'm sure there's something in most wireless contracts about circumventing the billing system, expect a huge bill eventually.

The Touch Pro 2 has gotten great reviews and is generally doing quite well and the Hero (Android) is coming soon and HD2 is on it's way as well. I think HTC will be just fine. Implying that focusing on WinMo is killing the company is sloppy fanboy jounalism. They are making a profit, so what if it wasn't as big as

That's kinda cool, but I have the feeling the novelty would wear off pretty quick. "Here ya go, another pseudo dotmatrix photo!"

@andre3k1: Well I've never missed a payment (until very recently and was still less than 30 days late), I always pay on time, I always pay over the minimum and I'm being screwed by the CC companies because they are having it rough. Almost all the compaines I use have lowered my credit limit, upped my APR and started

@achoke: I have a WM6.5 rom on my XV6800 and it won't run, just crashes. I did get the menu bar and a seriously squashed screen once, oh well.

Cool, but I keep all my contacts on my employers exchange server.

@Deprong Mori: Mine topped out at 729 some time ago. It's about 649 right now. Acouple of kids and the wife not working has greatly increase my revovling debt. But I'm about to start snowballing. If I have a good year things should start looking up. At least I know my job is safe for at least this year (probably

After I got burned out on WoW I decided I was done with MMOs forever. This game may make me rethink that. I just hope it's not as big of a time-sink. With two kids and a job I don't have a lot of free time.

VOTE: Radmin 3.1 (with Live Mesh as backup option if I forget my flash drive)

@jeffeb3: That was Apple's plan all along! Release incomplete firmware, let others innovate and fix their mistakes and make money off them in the process. Plus they have the added option of pulling the app (for no real reason) so they can rip it off and make all the cash. Evil genius level plan there.

Yeah, the company I work for recently pushed this down through the new exchange server. They have it set up to require a strong alpha-numeric password and lock the phone after 15 min of inactivity. Just a few nights ago, after installing the official WM 6.1 update for my VZW HTC Titan, I decided to restore my Spite

I really like NetFront too, but it's really hit and miss on memory usage on my XV6800. Sometimes I can browse for quite a while before I run out of memory, sometimes it's before the first page loads. Skyfire is alright, not really what I expected, guess I'll give this a try.

@rckymtnrfc: Ah, so that's what happened to my alerts. This beta is defiantly a memory hog, and the Zoom in function is craptastic, I was having to go back to the menu and zoom in at least 5-6 times before the screen was easy to read. I uninstalled after two days. Now where's the skyfire beta 2 of a firefox mobile

Wow, this is pretty impressive! I can see this being very usful at work. I've been using Daswire for easy texting, but it's a memory hog on my XV6800. Very nice for free software.

@Kuro: The no additional cost is for real if your Netflix account is $8.99 or month a month.