Robot Devi

It’s a deeply disturbing confluence of low-information voters and the genuinely paranoid/unhinged.

I never said she should not be held accountable for her lies, but we need to collectively acknowledge that the other candidate has a significant lying problem too and somehow seems to not be held in as much contempt for it. Clinton is not perfect by any means but the hate that gets directed towards is definitely

Off topic, sorry. Does Melania Trump purposely squint as a pose for every photo she has taken?

A couple of months ago my 13 year-old cousins (twins) bought one of those “detox” teas (they’re laxatives ffs) because it was advertised by a youtuber they liked. They both secretly drank it everyday for about two weeks and one of the girls had to be hospitalised due to severe dehydration. That shit is dangerous. They

As much as I don’t wanna barge in on anyone’s hustle, something legitimately needs to be done about this. This kind of advertising is so ridiculously potent it is frightening. Everyone from lower tier E! celebs to your popular YouTube beauty/lifestyle vloggers are being paid to shill snake oil of all varieties. Unlike

Interesting that you inserted Trump into that comment....I was making a comparison to a mass event of religious persecution but i could see how that would make you think of Mr. Trump.

Maybe the attendant would be less uncomfortable if the women had been really easily identifiable. On a government registry or something-and you knew they were registered because they wore like-I don’t know-a patch! Like a moon and star or that seems complicated! Just a star? And that way they’d know these are “good”

This is why I only fly Trump airlines. No Muslims, Mexicans, disabled people, or crying babies to have to worry about. And they cut holes in the pillow cases so you can see out of them when you wear them as a hood, too!

God help me if you aren’t right. In “qualified* to be President,” the order goes:

I was you 12 years ago. I am here to tell you, as Dan Savage was quoted above, DTMFA. Get a good attorney - save yourself and your kids from a life of barely squeaking by because he is NEVER going to change and you are going to be supporting his lazy ass til the day you die if you don’t get out. Will it be tough at

Your credit will recover. Your sanity will recover.

Yeah, no, I am sorry. Don’t wait for him to get over his obsession. If he is refusing to even acknowledge her feelings he doesn’t give a fuck about them.

I have nothing against Pokemon Go. I mean the vampire teens in my neighbourhood have colour in their cheeks now. But 5 am what is that.

He’s either cheating on her or he’s actually playing Pokémon Go until 5 a.m.

I would agree. . . . except that I hate her and would love it if she would Shut the Fuck Up. She is obviously very intelligent. She also espouses very liberal talking points—liberal talking points that are the antithesis what the GOP platform stands for—and then just pastes these talking points on her father, like,

Cmon now. Nobody is smearing her for her last name alone. She has actively campaigned and agreed with what he has said. She is just as racist as he is, however her package is more polished. Plus she gets treated with kid gloves because of her celebrity status and the fact that she has grown up in the public eye.

Sane? She has agreed and supported everything her father has done sand said. She has a chosen to actively try and get this dangerous maniac elected. She may be more well spoken and her temperment easier going but do not lose sight on the fact that she supports and is part of the damage being done to this country. Fuck

Well, if she doesn't like the behavior, I guess she could leave the campaign or start a new career.

She only looks good in comparison to the rest of her family. She enables all of this. She goes after the Khans. Maybe she is reasonable, but she is a Trump, through and through.

If that were true, she’d have quit working for daddy. After him groping her at his convention coronation, him saying he’d like to date her if she weren’t his daughter, and speaking lustily about her figure and face.