Robot Devi

Quite frankly, the internet has been nothing but a blessing for hate groups and for bigots. Yes, overall the internet has had a democratizing effect and I do think it has led to people in general becoming more liberal. But it has also led to people being reinforced in their crazy ideas in a way that was literally

I really want to believe that these kind of assholes have been around forever, we just didn’t get blasted in the face by thier bullshit. In the 90s we had the militia movement (rather funny how these kind of people only seem to have issues with the government when the left is in charge) which had moments of spotlight,

Once again confirming that I, a person whose ancestors were brought to U.S. shores 200+ years ago—long before the immigrant ancestors of many a white person—am still not a “Real American” with the rights of full citizenship. Thanks, Joe Walsh, for reminding me.

“Real America”

Oh Jesus Christ. President Obama has been incredibly restrained in discussing unjustified shootings of Black men by the police. What the fuck is wrong with this moron?

I need to go find some place where I can just scream my head off for about two hours, without anyone checking to see if I need help.

If they’re Muslim it’s a terrorist attack. If they’re black, it’s BLM’s fault. If they’re white they’re mentally ill. If they’re Mexican, we need to build a wall to keep them out.

Let’s not forget to mention that the Police labeled the brother of the protest organizer as a suspect and had an image of him from the march up on twitter within an hour of the shooting. Because in an open carry state he was a black man with a rifle.
(He’s no longer a ‘suspect’ and has been cleared).

I hope the shooter is a White Guy. I know that is terrible, but every time I hear of a shooting I hope the shooter is a white guy. I am sorry for the police and their families. Truly sorry. 😓

Ooof. So basically, “Why is okay for dumpy, fat Lena to be nude but someone hot like me can’t do it without being called a slut?” Non-traditionally attractive people aren’t sexual? I mean, love the confidence but you don’t need to drag someone else down to get there.

There was a dirtbag on it earlier today, basically the Emily person was waxing on about how revolutionary she was for showing her nakedness. Something about how when Lena Dunham does it it’s brave, when Bieber does it he’s a man, but when a “sexual woman” does it it’s blah blah blah, basically she’s throwing Lena

Because Emily Ratajkowski is annoying.

I was reading the New Republic one the other day, and I kept thinking to myself, “haven’t I read this before?” So I checked the post date, and nope, it was brand new. And the reason it felt so familiar is because if I have to read one more fucking Two Americas piece... no, this is one America, warts and all, and Trump

So this week, by tomorrow, we’ll have one cop fired for posting a video, and zero cops fired for shooting black men in scenarios escalated solely by the police involved.

I really, really hope she doesn’t receive any professional penalties from this.

Really excellent piece.

It’s not that hard to figure out the motivation of most Trump voters. They’re racist morons.

In several of the Afro-American history classes I took at college we talked about the “chattel principle.” It’s a complex idea, but the short definition my professor gave was that enslaved people had to constantly live with the idea that while their hearts, minds and spirits were their own, their bodies were not. At

Black folk, it is okay to take a mental health day from reading this stuff. I have to today or I’ll rage stroke and cry in a corner. I’m tired. I’m tired of being tired. And I am tired of indifference from anyone who calls themselves allies.

I saw the video in another thread. I was speechless. I hope the officer that committed this murder isn’t allowed to get away with it. I doubt it was premeditated murder, but it was murder nonetheless. ‘Unlawful shooting’ or ‘Manslaughter’ isn’t serious enough to properly represent the scale of the crime he committed -