Robot Devi

I get that what she did was upsetting and that you feel she deserves more punishment, but can I say I dislike this knee jerk thinking? Automatically thinking everything deserves time in prison, and the tough on crime mentality is how we ended up being the country with the highest per capita prison population in the

Man, nuisance alligators at Disney are the worst. They’re always talking to you about their pins as if they earned them and didn’t just give a vendor money to wear them like anyone else who wants to fork over the change. Oh look at you! You have a limited edition Nightmare Before Christmas Haunted Mansion Halloween

Wouldn’t it just be better to remove the nuisance theme parks?

I can see the really deep lines forming around her mouth, what a shame.

Woman in photo number 2 is clearly more beautiful and naturally so to boot. Kylie is only considered attractive because she’s a Kardashian/Jenner. We regular folks think her and her sisters are plastic surgery nightmares. And I’m white as Casper the ghost.

Right. Wow people really out here thinking that this

That is one of the things that happens when you have someone create it rather than growing it yourself. You get that indeterminate-age, plastic look.

Kylie has a really mature face. I think she looks around 30 instead of 18.



colourpop is SO much better than the kylie lipkits.

What is with this family and using black folks as props? Also, I love how the same features on Kylie are hawt but on a black woman it’s not. What a world. I guess this is the social bleaching of a new white ethnic category in progress. Soon enough, Caucasians (the mountain ranges) will be white too!

semi-related: I really hate “lip kit.” It’s so obnoxious and also makes me think of a lego set to make hyper-collagenated lips.

Fair enough, but as you say, lots of people like these actresses. There’s nothing wrong with their casting in this movie. It’s the least of the movie’s problems.

Yeah, I’m a major Batman nerd, so I wasn’t happy about what I’d seen and heard of BvS.

Seriously. Don’t like the idea of a remake (and who does, of anything?) then don’t go see it. Bam. Done. It’s not like someone broke into the museum and carved David into a chick.

It’s honestly such a baffling controversy. Like, seriously, fanboys? Fucking Ghostbusters?

The most ironic thing about all the misogynists attacking the cast of this movie is that the cast seems like the only worthwhile part of the whole endeavor. Of all the legitimate things to criticize about this movie, they’re attacking the cast?