Robot Devi

But I thought Kim said that bitch is a good word, a term of endearment that her husband calls her all the time. Kendull needs to take it as a compliment

Right? I feel so much second hand embarrassment looking at those pictures.

Living a freer and happier life than I can possibly live now that I know about this box of horrors.

oh my god the third one. Even when he’s doing staged pap shots he’s trying too hard.

it makes sense. hiddleston is pretty thirsty.

I’m getting real ass concerned by how many times I find myself loving Riff Raff’s tweets.

I feel you artisinal mayo shop. My rent is 16 days late. But who’s counting.

1. Shop selling expensive luxury version of an everyday product moves into a neighborhood with cheap rent

Ted Cruz - the man who shut down the government over Obamacare - calling yesterday’s filibuster “a political show” is truly rich.

I heard him. “This isn’t a gun problem, it is a terrorist problem.” Right after they play the clip from the sheriff saying “We can’t tie him to any particular group. He has no associations.”

And he buckled to Tea Party bullshit, chose Sarah Palin for his VP. The madness of this election and his party’s open bigotry is largely on his shoulders.

Always nice to hear a dignified Republican’s take on the president. Trump is clearly an anomaly in this party, and not at all reflective of most Republicans....

Right!? Not only has this guy taken money from the NRA to keep their vile policies ahead of the safety and wishes of the people, but he has been in office way longer than President Obama had. He is, by far, the more guilty of the two.

Couldn’t you then say, by this absolutely ridiculous logic, that George W. Bush was directly responsible for the shooting because he invaded Iraq, which caused Obama to inherit troops there that he needed to pull out?

I’m glad John McCain is doing his best to assure the American public his reputation of being a ‘maverick’ and ‘reasonable’ was a grave error of judgment on everyone’s part. Thanks, John.

As a 9+ month pregnant lady, this virus really freaks me out. Not necessarily for personal reasons (as it seems the virus has only—with one exception—been contracted abroad and I’m *this close* to the end of my pregnancy), but because I can see this shit getting outta hand, and *quick*. I worry for all my fellow mamas

Wouldn't work: he's Mexican, and therefore obviously biased.

I didn’t quite grasp the levels of disturbing but hilarious but mostly disturbing levels of anti-vax insanity until I was on the receiving end of it after writing a couple of articles on vaccines for work that subsequently were shared a bunch of times on FB. Holy shit, dudes. You’ll be called every nasty name in the

This is the exact take-down these half-wits deserve. Good job, articulate 12 year old.