Robot Devi

"This is my government, ma'am; I will judge you."

right?! me too. Usually when I get flustered while trying to make a point, I begin to speak an entirely different language known as english-ish gibberish

It is a tattoo.

Why do men justify misogynist behavior with "but my female girlfriend/wife/sister/best friend/etc. said it's okay!"

"...the blurred lines between a good girl and a bad girl, and even very good girls all have little bad sides to them."

George Michael called and wants his entire look back.

I don’t understand the feet hate. I mean, I don’t LOVE feet or anything. I’m not going to buy a Pussyfoot or anything. But, I mean, they are just FEET. Y’know? Unless they smell like fetid corpses or pieces are falling off of them, what’s the big deal?

Oh Ms. Banks, so funny. Ratchet ass white girls are why your album sales stay up honey. Don't bite the hand that feeds.

Annnnd Amanda Bynes' twitter has officially jumped the shark.

He annoys me to no end.

The hat, and the imaginary joint he's holding...UGH he's like me in 9th grade.

Except this is a clear nod to the debut Ciara. Rihanna was still in her Island in the Sun realness before she even attempted to try urban music. Let's not.

Major props to Demi Lovato for some mad self-awareness and wisdom. I'm continuously impressed with her and her way of dealing with difficult circumstances.

Now she's Jenny from the former Soviet Bloc?

Hey National Zoo, You guys sure you're not missing another red panda?


Because she's black. Next question.