
Quit your lament. Some users don't even know what buzzfeed is and their only source of info is Gizmodo. As hard as that may be to believe. You have to expand your thinking. Specially with a free service. If you subscribe to the Times, bitch to them about fresh article content.

I read multiple sites and don't care if

Man…. Dats fuct up! Bwaaahaahah!

Leonard Ball sounds awesome.

Whoever Leonard Ball was, he was vindictive in the best possible way.


You don't understand how trees work, do you?

I get the impression you really didn't read much about the Boston Bombing or the xkcd comic.

They removed them because the smog makes them useless.

It means like Smaug, a Tolkein character, main antagonist of the Hobbit, a greedy and wicked dragon. He hoarded piles of cash.

inb4 Jez crossposts and tries to judo it into a sympathetic story about poor single mothers.

You can believe that apple is developing these products and planning for a possible release while being skeptical that they'll actually turn into products. How does that not make sense?

You got the wrong picture up top, we all know Apple wont make the iPhone wider.
Here I present the 5.5" iPhone prototype.

Not really surprising, they need to keep up with the competition.

War is the only way to settle disputes between uncompromising nations or individuals. The guy who ordered the murder of the Afghan girl who lobbied for women's education is now in charge of the Taliban in that area, needs to be assassinated. He refuses to talk peace with the Afghan government and insists on some sort

If you're going to insist he not call it "tin", maybe you should realize that "Aluminium" would be more correct.

Came here hoping to see a bunch of Creationism/Intelligent Design proponents spouting their pseudoscience bullshit. Leaving satisfied. Keep it real motherfuckers. Real dumb.

This is not any SAM. This is a Patriot replacement.

I dunno...that first picture seems like an echo of the future.....

These sorts of robots are already being tested, fascinatingly enough. For example, this one:

Right, because drug cartels and dealers IRL don't ever put hits out on people or steal anyone's money. The federal drug policies are what cause these problems, not the medium by which the trade is taking place.