"It is unrealistic for a girl to be a superhero."
"It is unrealistic for a girl to be a superhero."
After the 1st season, Battlestar Galactica characters seemed to shift allegiances every 3rd episode.
Obligatory Serenity post.
Oh, no contest. Hubby and I are nihilistic misanthropes, and this ending bummed even us out.
Monty Python and The Holy Grail.
Science Fiction/romantic comedy... There need to be more of these.
Groundhog Day.
I don't know if this counts but Cyclops in X-Men 3. It's been ages since I saw the movie, so I don't know if it really was a sacrifice or not, but god damn, it was a pointless death.
I totally disagree...and I seem alone here?
You want to list Jack Morris on your Hall of Fame ballot? Fine. You want to vote for Jack Morris and not offer a…
"She's not Rose!" - cry babies
Cypher. "I know what you're thinking, 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing. Actually, I've been thinking it ever since I got here: Why oh why didn't I take the BLUE pill?"
Everytime I see these posters I can't believe it. In fact I'm STILL not sure I believe it.
There are some interesting things going on with the female characters, for sure. I like the movie too, I even have it on DVD. But the specific gruesome violence kills my ladyboner.
Too much violence, specifically against women. Kills it for me.
Deadly little Miho.
I mean, c'mon!
Escapism is sexy. There's something beguiling and enticing about the idea of stepping into other worlds and having…